An often under-reported situation has been brought to light recently in the case of a 16-year-old mother in Texas who sued her parents for trying to force her into an abortion. The mother, identified as REK, reported that she was verbally and physically threatened by her parents to abort her child. They took away her car, pulled her out of school, and even forced her to take two new part-time jobs in the hope of her changing her mind. Her mother also threatened to slip an abortion pill secretly into her food. REK and her boyfriend were adamant that they did not want to abort their child; they were represented by attorneys who reported that REK could not be forced to abort.
Pro-lifers across the nation are rejoicing at this life being saved from abortion. How wonderful that these attorneys were able to secure the precious lives of REK and her baby!
Let’s remember that there are always more lives to save, and more people to show the truth to. We all have an opportunity to save the lives of babies and mothers like REK from abortion by being outside abortion clinics. Please find your nearest 40 Days for Life campaign and help us show others the truth about life.