Texas Democrats have offered up bills in the state legislature as part of their pro-abortion campaign, known as “Trust. Respect. Access.” The bills were proposed by three state representatives, Jessica Farrar (D-Houston), Donna Howard (D-Austin), and Mary Gonzalez (D-El Paso).
The Chron offers a statement about the title of the campaign:
The “Trust. Respect. Access.” campaign, as the name indicates, will aim to “restore trust in Texans to make their own reproductive health care decisions, respect for health care professionals’ judgment, and access to the full range of reproductive health care,” supporters announced at a news conference at the Capitol.
What the name really indicates is that pro-aborts are trying to dress up the murder of preborn children. There are some decisions we should never trust people to make, namely when it comes to seeking the death of one’s own offspring.
Similarly, access is also not always a benefit, especially when abortion–or, according to the campaign, “the full range of reproductive health care”–is not actually health care. And respect? These so-called health professionals hardly have respect, certainly not for the lives of the children they take, but not even for the women under their care. The track record of abortion providers, the lucrative trade of abortion, and the lack of respect from more legitimate healthcare professionals should speak volumes.
The three representatives are aware that there is not much support in the legislature. That is why their campaign has been offered as a long-term, multi-year one.
The pro-life movement has acted similarly. At the national level we are living under the pro-abortion Obama administration. The president has vowed to veto a bill banning abortion after 20 weeks, as well as prohibiting taxpayer dollar from going towards abortion services.
The same cannot be said for the abortion movement and the supporters of the “Trust. Respect. Access” campaign.
In a piece by Will Weissert of the Associated Press, the following statement is included:
“To the Texas Legislature, I say, ‘Stop interfering with our human rights,’” said Dinorah Martinez, a health care worker in the Rio Grande Valley who joined Democratic Reps. Mary Gonzalez, Donna Howard and Jessica Farrar at a news conference.
The only human rights being violated are those of preborn children, who sadly do not yet have a voice of their own, and who cannot vote, or hold press conferences, or rally around a bill. Those like Dinorah Martinez only further take away the chance of them ever being able to do so.
It is almost laughable that such a campaign would be started in Texas, which is ranked by Americans United for Life as one of the most protective states for life. Pro-life HB2 passed in Texas. It was never in question that it would, and it was the unruly actions of pro-abortion forces which delayed the inveitable.
Then State Senator and now failed gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, who filibustered the Senate version of the bill, SB5, faced a devastating loss in seeking in her campaign for governor. She lost even with women.
The three state representatives have proposed four bills.
HB 78 would include more information about birth control in sex-ed classes. And HB 468 would allow mothers as young as 15 to access contraception without parental consent.
While state representatives may believe that they are helping young women by emphasizing birth control, there are many risks associated, including a newly published study which shows hormonal birth control doubles the risk of brain tumors! And the risks associated are not even physical ones, as Matt Walsh points out issues such as “Confusion and divorce” and “Commodification.”
Fortunately, a group monitoring such bills in Texas shows that there are other bills on sex education being proposed.
HB 709 would eliminate the 24-hour waiting period for an abortion would eliminate an abortion regulation which is already in place in 26 states, according to the Guttmacher Institute.
For those women who regret their abortion, or who feel that they don’t have the time or resources to find an alternative, this waiting period may literally make the difference between life and death.
House Bill 1210, according to Legiscan is “relating to an exception from penalties for a physician’s or health care professional’s professional judgment in providing certain abortion services to patients.” This is perhaps the most dangerous one of all, since, as mentioned earlier, abortion providers may not have the best judgment in mind.
Despite what abortion advocates may claim, abortion is hardly about “Trust. Respect. Access.” It is about the murder of innocent preborn children and the exploitation of their mothers. This campaign is a perfect example to see the lengths such advocates will go to in order to gin up support.