Texas Governor Greg Abbott says the Lone Star State must be a standout state when it comes to issues of life. In a guest column in The Monitor, Abbott says the state must outlaw the sale or donation of fetal parts, as well as help create a true culture of life for every stakeholder affected by a woman’s pregnancy. He writes:
Texas is the Lone Star State for a reason. We stand apart as a model for the nation. But we must do more to establish higher standards that reflect respect for the sanctity of life.
Texas passed a law requiring aborted babies’ remains to have a proper burial. While U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks placed a temporary injunction on the law pending a trial to decide the statute’s legality, the law is one that Abbott values as further establishes the value the Lone Star State places on human life. Abbott writes of this law and praises Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, the archbishop of Galveston-Houston, who attended his recent State of the State address. He praises “Cardinal DiNardo and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops for their ongoing commitment to protect the unborn and for offering proper burials for fetal remains of babies lost to abortion — at no charge.” He adds, “This work of mercy by the bishops and Catholic cemeteries in Texas demonstrates the dignity and reverence that every child’s life deserves.”
The dignity of human life at all stages is a priority for the governor who makes a strong statement:
The butchering of unborn babies for trade in the open market is barbaric. We must criminalize the sale or donation of baby body parts.
Abbott found his beloved state embroiled in a baby parts scandal when The Center for Medical Progress revealed that fetal body parts were being sold through the operations of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. This tragedy was the catalyst for more statewide action. But Abbott is not only concerned with a changed law regarding fetal parts. He details other actions his state must take to ensure the dignity of human life.
He says, among other things, that Texas law must change to make it a felony to perform a partial-birth abortion.
But Abbott knows the reduction of abortion means more babies will need homes and families, and he makes it clear that is also a priority. Abbott says he is “committed to advancing adoption services and developing programs to support mothers who embrace the blessing of a child’s life.”
Additionally he calls for more access to “life-affirming family planning, preventive health care, cancer screenings and postpartum care.”Abbott concludes his pro-life commentary:
Finally, the First Lady and I invite faith leaders across Texas to encourage their members to become foster and adoptive parents. We need a legion of families in every county who can open their homes and open their hearts to fostering our vulnerable children.
The governor’s remarks in the paper Sunday are not surprising to anyone following the pro-life initiatives in the state of Texas. Former Governor Rick Perry worked hard at creating a culture of life in the state and signed the omnibus HB2 bill into law. While the Supreme Court struck down a couple of its provisions, the bill itself remained in force and has been credited with dramatically reducing abortions in the state. Texas also led the charge in defunding America’s largest abortion corporation, Planned Parenthood, and instead funneled that money into expanded women’s health care which serves the low-income and uninsured women of the state in even more locations than the abortion giant did with its few actual medical services.
Texas has long been a national leader in various state efforts, and Abbott’s further commitment to life shows that the Lone Star State has no plans to stop leading the way to ensure babies are given their right to life and their moms are cared for in the process.