
Texas law banning abortions after 20 weeks still stands after Supreme Court decision

Despite the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down provisions of a Texas law Monday regulating the abortion industry, a prohibition on abortions at and after 20 weeks still stands in the state.

Planned Parenthood and the abortion chain behind the lawsuit did not even file a challenge to the abortion ban in Texas’ HB 2, which prohibits abortions based on the science of fetal pain. The provision is similar to measures that have passed in several states. Texas Right to Life reports:

“Because the abortion industry never challenged the provision of HB 2 which protects pain-capable preborn children from excruciating dismemberment abortions from 20 weeks gestation, a measure on the 2013 Priority Pro-Life Legislative Agenda, spearheaded by Texas Right to Life, that provision of the law will remain in effect.”

National polls show that Americans are increasingly pro-life and oppose abortions in the late-term. Several states have banned second trimester D&E abortion procedures, which dismember a preborn child limb from torso, while other states passed legislation prohibiting abortions after 20 weeks.

Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, describes a second trimester abortion procedure in the following video.

Justices on the high court ruled 5-3 today against requirements for abortionists to obtain hospital admitting privileges and for abortion facilities to upgrade to basic ambulatory surgical center standards.

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