If people have learned anything from the undercover videos from The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), it’s that abortion is a profitable business with several parties playing the profit game. The latest videos from CMP highlight fetal procurement companies and their leaders. The ninth video focuses on Advanced Biosciences Resources, Inc. (ABR), which is the oldest fetal body parts procurement company, started in 1989 by Linda Tracy. ABR is infamous for partnering with many Planned Parenthood affiliates in the nation.
In this video, as well as another, we hear Dr. Katharine Sheehan, Medical Director for Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest, confirming that her PP clinic has done business with ABR for over ten years, supplying the fetal parts company with the remnants of their dead babies—or sometimes their fully intact dead babies. But that’s just how the business model goes when abortion is vastly unrestricted nationwide.
As Live Action reported, ABR is a nonprofit that has a history of giving kickbacks to certain abortion clinic workers in order to obtain the ideal donated body parts at minimal cost.
In the video, CMP actors discuss their business model with Perrin Larton, the procurement manager for ABR. They discuss the political climate and the fight to keep abortion legal because that’s how they make money. As the CMP actor asks if their job is easier since President Obama got re-elected, Larton says:
It is easier now, except, except now we have uh, instead of trying to it the research community, now they’re trying to make abortion illegal. And that’s where we get our tissue-
Abortion is the source of their income. Period.
The abortion industry would have people think they exist to help women in need, that choice is a fundamental right of human liberty. The reality is what Larton herself says: abortion is how they supply product – and make money. And when they make money, maybe, as ABR’s competitor company claimed, they can buy condos in Hawaii. This is the dirty secret the abortion industry never wanted the public to know. Abortion is pure profit. They charge women hundreds of dollars to kill their babies so places like StemExpress and ABR can have technicians waiting with coolers to run body parts to researchers or- as ABR does – to the United States Government, for a nice profit. Part of this was made possible, Larton notes, because the government was so busy focusing on embryonic stem cells that it forget fetal tissue:
And you know what the really weird thing is? Embryonic [stem cell research], there is still a lot of controversy about that, you know. But then fetal kind of got lost in the mix. It was never outlawed.
Operation Rescue comments on this governmental connection:
She noted that while Federal funding was cut off from embryonic stem cell research years ago, Federal funding kept flowing to those engaged in experimentation involving fetal tissue. According to the National Institute of Health’s website, an estimated $280 million federal tax dollars went to fund research involving human fetal tissue from 2011-2014. Another estimated $153 million is expected to be disbursed over the next two years. Federal tax money has also resumed in the human embryonic stem cell experimentation field as well.
Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman, who sits on the board of CMP, said:
There is money to be made in the human tissue trade. Yet that trade has flown under the radar for decades and evolved into a culture that views human life as a product that can enhance the bottom line.
Planned Parenthood is hoping that America falls for their ‘smoke-and-mirrors’ effort to deflect attention away from their own apparently criminal conduct.
But as Operation Rescue observes, “the video evidence, along with documentation made public by the CMP speaks for itself.” The mounting evidence from every side of the abortion industry indicts the abortion giant as a corrupt killing machine poised to pounce on any woman who even looks their way.
In an ironic moment in the discussion with Larton, as the CMP actor talks with her about all the legislation that is threatening them such as ultrasounds and personhood and heartbeat laws, Larton says pro-lifers are wrongly making comparisons to what they do and the work of Kermit Gosnell and his late-term abortion clinic where babies were born alive and killed—just as they are in Planned Parenthood. Larton says:
Yea, and they’re going, wait a minute. And then what will happen is, when people like Dr. Gosnell who was in Philadelphia, who was doing third trimester abortions and the… ya’ know, clipping the spinal cord of the infant that’s born… he was doing that kind of stuff, he’s a bad man. And I mean, I am absolutely 100% pro unforced pregnancy. if you don’t want to be pregnant then don’t be pregnant, and if you are pregnant and you don’t want to be then you have a legal alternative.
But, yea, he was preying, and that’s the only reason I can think. He was preying on people of lower income and minorities. People who didn’t have money for a first trimester abortion, couldn’t save enough money until they were in the third trimester. (Transcript, Pages 4-5).
The CMP actor comments that Gosnell found a niche to exploit. Indeed, speaking of finding a niche to exploit, Larton might as well be reading the doctrine of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s racist founder who wanted poor and minority babies eliminated. Of course Sanger’s ideology continues, as most abortion facilities run by Planned Parenthood are in neighborhoods heavily dominated by the poor and by minorities.
Larton seems to forget that Gosnell didn’t force any women to be pregnant. He simply used their pregnancies as a chance to get the body parts he wanted. And that sounds all too familiar.
No wonder Planned Parenthood and the fetal tissue procurement agencies are terrified of the truth coming out. Their entire financial structure depends on women being willing to have abortions. There is no care for women’s health. This was never about women, just the parts of women’s preborn children which they could take and sell to the highest bidder.
Legal human trafficking is the only goal here, and each video increasingly proves this.