- Life’s not all about me. It never was.
- There are people much worse off than me. I need to be there for them.
- I know people who have had abortions – who are currently on both sides of the issue. They deserve my love, not my condemnation.
- Unseen life is some of the most amazing life. I need to show it to the world.
- As time passes, the truth becomes more clear – not less.
- I am on the side of Truth.
- It’s not a battle between mothers and their children. It’s about making every human being equal.
- Life is precious, but not as highly valued as it should be. I am working to change that.
- I can choose to waste my time, entertain myself, or help a person in need. Every day, I must make my choice.
- Pro-life means that, for now, I’m mainly working on ending abortion, but it also means that I care about people at every stage of life – and I look for ways to help them.
- Yes, being pro-life extends to other issues like human trafficking and starving children.
- The law may be the law, but it’s not always right.
- I need to show others the importance of thinking for themselves, researching for themselves, and finding out what’s really real instead of just believing what they hear.
- Just because I’m told I am in the radical minority doesn’t mean it’s true. Often those who are wrong speak louder to drown out the sound of deceit.
- Standing up for life and truth is always, always worth it.
- Yes, it is about every single life I help to save. Every one.
- Even one life saved is worth a lifetime of work.
- My work isn’t for my own popularity, fame, or greatness. If I am a nobody, that’s okay, as long as somebody gets to live.
- I will have compassion.
- I will listen.
- I will not let listening persuade me that all opinions are right or true. Instead, I will be firm in what I know to be right and true, and lovingly try to change others.
- I am in a battle. A battle with great stakes. A battle for the very life of the innocent.
- Babies are indeed innocent of any crime and completely helpless. They do not deserve the death penalty we don’t even give to rapists.
- No matter how a baby gets here, he is just as valuable as me, my child, my best friend, and my mother.
- No matter what is “wrong” with a baby, she is just as precious as a “perfect” baby. In fact, every baby is perfect just as she is.
- I cannot be quiet. It’s just not possible.
- Abortion is bad for women, and I will tell this to my fellow women. I cannot let them continue to suffer and be lied to.
- Creativity is key – there is not “one answer” to ending abortion. It’s a compilation of all our work and, in my opinion, a miracle of God.
- I will hold firm to my faith, no matter who criticizes me for being a Christian or “enforcing my religion on others.”
- I will keep talking about what modern medicine, science, morality, human dignity, and basic common sense tell us about the unborn child.
- Choosing to be thankful, I will stand in awe that I was chosen for this time in history – to be a part of this struggle for life.
- Truth will always be victorious. No matter how long it is shrouded in darkness, truth always rises from the graves men create.
- My family – and my own precious child – should never be ignored as I fight for other children.
- I know the truth for a reason. And that reason is not for myself alone.
- I will not give up. I will not give up. I will not give up.
What are your realizations and resolutions? Please share them in the comments below…