
The need for pro-life patriots in America

On my birthday last year, I did something in honor of my love for history and  patriotism. I took my family on a visit to the Connecticut hero Nathan Hale’s house.

Nathan Hale is a Yale graduate who was a soldier for the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Nathan volunteered to be a spy for President George Washington. He disguised himself as a Dutch teacher and went behind British enemy lines in service of his country. Sadly, Nathan was quickly discovered and hung without a trial. His famous last words, on Sept. 22, 1776, were “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”

As I walked through Nathan’s house, I felt great respect for this young man. He willingly gave his life in service of his country. He wasn’t commissioned by Washington to be a spy; rather, he chose to volunteer. One report states that when the appeal was given for a volunteer, Nathan said he would undertake the task, knowing full well that his life would be at risk.

Nathan lived a relatively short life. He never married or had children. A table in his house holds a picture of a family tree. Each member of the Hale family has a branch. Their children have adjoining branches. Nathan’s branch stands alone, with no lineage underneath. His decision cost him a family and a future.

I have a patriotic heart. I’m not a patriot who is blind to America’s sins. I know of the weaknesses,  flaws, and terrible darkness in our country. I know that the streets of America aren’t paved with gold. Yet I still believe that America has great potential. We are a charitable nation, with rich diversity.  We hold admirable ideals, commendable values, and a strong Constitution.

Although I’m grateful for my nation, I’m equally heartbroken for it. Abolitionist Fredrick Douglass lamented that he couldn’t celebrate the Fourth of July while the business of buying slaves was booming. How could he joyfully celebrate our nation’s freedom when his own people were in chains? How could he enjoy liberty while his brothers and sisters suffered in bondage?

America will never fully prosper while abortion is legal. How can we succeed when doctors and organizations profit from violence toward the preborn? How can a nation that speaks of “justice for all” not bestow justice to the weakest among us? Our country  prides itself on rights and equality yet denies personhood to the fetus in the womb. We consider “love” the highest law of the land while denying compassion to our children who need it the most.

I’m ashamed of America’s stand in regard to abortion. On the 42-year anniversary of Roe v. Wade, President Obama reaffirmed his commitment to protecting abortion rights. These “rights” have taken the lives of 57 million while we pledge the allegiance to the flag and pass around green papers that declare “In God we Trust.” How seemingly empty those words are in light of the massive slaughter that takes place daily in our cities.

Nathan died fighting in the American Revolutionary War. I daresay America could use another revolution. We need a moral revolution. We need a revolution of righteousness and justice. The United States of America is stained with innocent blood. While I celebrated my 33rd birthday, over 4,000 children were robbed of their own. If my mother hadn’t walked out of her abortion appointment, I would have been counted among the deceased.

Nathan answered the call in his day, regardless of the cost. When it comes to patriots, I know that America is more focused on a football team than on freedom for the preborn. However, I believe that there are some brave souls who want a fight that can’t be won on a grassy field. To those  patriots, I implore you, fight for the noble cause of righteousness and justice in our land. You won’t win a medal, but you could change a nation.

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