Planned Parenthood (and other birth control advocates) would like you and me to believe that “The Pill” is a little tablet of goodness that will make your troubles disappear, leaving you as free as one of those skipping ladies on a Kotex commercial. They feed off consumers’ response to their emotional appeals, while failing to inform women of the serious health issues hormonal contraception involves. Most recently, Planned Parenthood created a fictional character, “Pillamina” (a woman dressed up as a birth control case), who went through her week enjoying all sorts of things she wouldn’t have without…you guessed it. The Pill. And now, thanks to the passing of the Affordable Care Act, contraception advocates will soon be able to access hormonal contraception free of charge.
As they celebrate the passing of the new law on August 1, check out these photos Planned Parenthood used to document “Pillamina’s” week of joy, compliments of free birth control:
To sum their photo campaign up, Planned Parenthood wants us to believe that using The Pill for free will:
- Save you tons of money
- Enable you to have a better career than a woman not on The Pill
- Be free!
- Keep you safe and healthy
- Save you even more money
This reminds me of an infomercial. Planned Parenthood promotes The Pill and promises you it will do wonderful things while saving you money [they estimate it costs $15 to $50 a month totaling $180 to $600 a year], but do any of these photos mention the horrendous side effects? How it works? What it can do to your body? Nope, nope, and nope. They’re missing that part at the end where they tell you “Wait, there’s more!” All you get from Planned Parenthood is that this magic pill will make you the empowered woman you want to be.
They don’t tell you that The Pill can cause breast cancer and contribute toward strokes, among many other side effects. If anyone looks at statistics and real-life stories (not made up ones of “Pillamina”), she will see that it isn’t all rainbows and flowers. Planned Parenthood needs to grow up and get down to the facts. The Pill is not about saving money. It’s about Planned Parenthood making money, and they will stop at nothing to get you to take this dangerous pill.