In a segment last month on Al Jazeera’s “The Stream,” Lila Rose was a part of a lively discussion about abortion. Among others, she was joined by host Lisa Fletcher and by Katie Stack (an outspoken abortion supporter who won Jan Yanehiro’s Speak Out for Choice award).
In the segment, Lila stressed that what’s missing in the abortion debate is the “conversation about human dignity and human rights, because that’s really the fundamental question here. Is the child in the womb a human being? Does the child in the womb have human rights? Should the child in the womb be protected?”

Human fetus at 7 weeks’ development.
When posed with these questions, others on the show quickly avoided answering them by explaining how dreadfully complicated abortion is and how we pro-lifers are making it “very, very hard … to have a real discussion about the issue” by advocating for the reversal of Roe v. Wade. But they missed a key point here:
Is abortion right?
Because really, people, if abortion is right, we have nothing to talk about here. The point is moot. We pro-lifers might as well quit our jobs, close our pregnancy centers, and stop praying for women and babies if abortion is right.
However, if abortion is wrong, it must be wrong for a reason. What is that reason, or the root of the abortion problem? It’s exactly what Lila said: “Is the child in the womb a human being? Does the child in the womb have human rights? Should the child in the womb be protected?”
Last year, I heard this point explained in a pro-life speech in this way. Let’s take a trip down logic lane and examine how to determine if abortion is right. This is what abortion logic comes down to:
- Killing people is wrong.
- Abortion kills people.
- Therefore, abortion is wrong.
If anyone wants to argue that abortion is right, as many women did on this segment, they must successfully disprove at least one of those statements. It doesn’t matter how complicated you try to make this issue. It doesn’t matter what other issues you bring up. The key to the abortion issue is clear: either the unborn are not people and abortion is perfectly acceptable, or the unborn are people and abortion is clearly wrong. With modern science and sound logic, and answer is altogether too clear to avoid.