Americans have been riveted by the release of now five undercover videos exposing the gruesome face of America’s largest abortion chain. On Tuesday, new undercover footage inside the pathological laboratory of a Texas Planned Parenthood mega-clinic reveals how the abortion mill stores the bodies of aborted babies in freezers. The video shows workers examining the eyeballs, intestines, and limbs of a deceased victim, as they callously describe the child.
The video by the Center for Medical Progress views more like a horror film. Once again, Planned Parenthood staffers sort through the organs and limbs of babies brutally killed by abortion procedures. A worker even describes, while laughing, how aborted baby parts were “mixed together in a bag,” while another claims that sometimes the babies come to the lab “really intact.”
The disdain for human life exhibited by Planned Parenthood employees on all levels rings eerily similar to the cold blooded butcherings of innocent victims by the worst offenders. In fact, the abortion giant’s ill treatment of preborn babies —storing them in freezers and profiteering off pieces of these children —is in line with crimes that provoke the greatest condemnation and calls for justice. This video provides damning evidence that Kermit Gosnell is not alone, and there are countless “houses of horror” across the country.
In one instance, a Planned Parenthood staffer pulls the body of a 20-week-old “twin” shrouded in a red bag from the freezer; and as the baby is dissected, another staffer comments how eyeballs often are intact and easy to find. A worker also discloses that the organs of the baby killed late-term “come out really well,” as she lifts up pieces of the aborted child’s intestines.
The video exposing the atrocities that occur in one of the nation’s largest and wealthiest Planned Parenthood affiliates is the latest in a string of exposes, unveiling the inhumanity of the abortion industry. While Americans are horrified as they watch top Planned Parenthood executives coldly discussing how abortionists “crush” a preborn child between bites of salad and sips of wine, these videos present the public with an inconvenient truth. Americans are being forced to confront the barbarism that is abortion, the inhuman nature of the abortion industry, and the humanity of the preborn child.
Every undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood is a prick on the hearts and minds of individuals who, for 40-plus years, have swallowed the lie of the abortion lobby. They have bought the idea that children are “products of conception” and a “woman’s choice,” but nothing more. While Planned Parenthood and its allies have worked hard to dehumanize these precious children, their efforts are waning. These videos reveal to the American public the blatant humanity of the children being killed and sold for profit.
The callous statements and flagrant disregard for human life instill deep within the human conscience the thought that there is something off kilter and gravely wrong with abortion. It speaks to the human heart that killing a defenseless child, while he or she develops inside the womb, is a true injustice against humanity — a crime that deserves the greatest condemnation. But may it not stop there. May it awaken a recognition that abortion cannot further infiltrate the very fabric of our nation —it must be exposed and dealt with.
This is a moment of truth for the United States. A country that was once the beacon of justice and hope must now uphold the very truths that defined it. Even the abortion lobby, which shrouds itself in colorful euphemisms to deceive the public, cannot hide the facts: the Planned Parenthood videos horrify us because abortion is horrific.