The truth is a powerful thing. This is why the abortion industry lies so much; because they know that if Americans become educated about abortion —if they discover the truth— their support for the killing of preborn babies will drop. But women deserve to know the truth before they go through with what is likely one of the biggest decisions they’ll ever make in their lives. Americans deserve to know the truth about the industry that their taxpayer dollars support.
Three videos produced by Live Action shine a light on the violence of abortion — and have changed hearts and minds in the process.
The first video, narrated by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, exposes what happens during a third trimester abortion procedure.
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Under federal law, it is legal to abort a child up until the moment of birth. These gruesome procedures are performed on pain-capable, and fully developed and often viable children.
The next video, Live Action’s “Born Alive” investigation, shows that babies do, in fact, survive abortions — and that the abortion industry will not lift a finger to help these defenseless babies.
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Alisa LaPolt Snow, who works for Planned Parenthood as a lobbyist, testified in front of the Florida Legislature and confessed that they wouldn’t help the baby, saying that the decision should be left up to the woman and the abortionist. That footage is followed by clips from Live Action’s Inhuman investigation, where multiple abortionists admit that they would break federal law by refusing aid to these babies.
This video had a huge impact on the people that viewed it:
The next video, “What is Human?”, shows how abortionists struggle to answer the question of whether or not the child they’re killing is a baby, and then describe, in heartbreaking detail, the methods they use to take the baby’s life.
In contrast to the efforts of these late-term abortionists to deny these babies their humanity, the video also shows a baby boy, Toby, born at 24 weeks.
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This video likewise changed viewers’ hearts and minds about abortion.
The truth is a powerful thing. And it’s something that, try as they might, the abortion industry cannot hide.