Jesus told his followers to show concern for children, saying that they should be received in his name. The congregation at First Presbyterian Church of New Orleans takes an interesting approach to those instructions: They’ve embraced a group that receives children every day. In pieces. Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider, ending over 300,000 young lives every year. That didn’t stop First Presbyterian from hosting a rally for the organization in March. Nor did it stop the church’s pastor, Rev. Fred J. Powell, from welcoming Planned Parenthood’s representatives to the pulpit last year.
Granted, the organization does more than just perform abortions. First Presbyterian’s bulletin has praised Planned Parenthood for, among other things, offering “age appropriate health education.” The church may want to reevaluate that endorsement; most people would say that advising 15 year-old boys and girls to get involved in porn and violent sex probably isn’t appropriate.
In 2014, Live Action investigators visited Planned Parenthood centers posing as minors with questions about sex. Using hidden cameras, they recorded the answers that Planned Parenthood’s representatives gave them. One clinician at the Midtown Health Center in Indianapolis suggested letting the volunteer’s older boyfriend “dominate” her with a whip. Apparently this is a good way to “test your limits” and find out “what kind of pain you can take.”
She further recommended that the volunteer visit porn sites for new ideas, not bothering to mention that it would be illegal for a minor to do so. She also didn’t explain how pornography often depicts unsafe sexual practices, or that the volunteer might come across traumatizing scenes of gang rape, incest, or bestiality.
Investigations in other Planned Parenthood centers yielded similar results. Employees in Colorado also directed a volunteer to seek out online porn, while choking and asphyxiation were listed as potential bedroom options. The fact that these activities can turn deadly wasn’t highlighted.
It isn’t surprising that Planned Parenthood staff would encourage dangerous and illegal behavior, as plenty of them have been willing to cover it up. Life Dynamics recorded hundreds of calls in which employees offered to protect the adult boyfriend of a 14-year-old by arranging a secret abortion.
Similarly, Live Action has revealed undercover footage of a Planned Parenthood staffer telling an underage girl to lie about her abuser’s identity when seeking an abortion. That wasn’t an aberration, as visits to other clinics documented the same mentality.
Given all of this, it really seems like First Presbyterian could find a better outfit to get behind. Then again, they’re not the only ones who are supporting Planned Parenthood—you are, too.
Every year, Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion of your tax dollars. If you’re not on board with that, then you’re welcome to sign Live Action’s petition calling for an end to the abortion giant’s funding. You can find it here, along with additional proof of the group’s corruption. The fact is, Planned Parenthood doesn’t deserve support. Educating Congress about that would be very appropriate.