Cherry Hill Women’s Center (CHWC) in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, has had three emergencies occur in the span of about a month. There are reports since at least 2016 of fairly frequent complications at this location, requiring women to be transported to the hospital.
Pro-life watchdog organization Operation Rescue was able to obtain snippets of the 911 calls from the most recent complications at the facility. These were likely all second trimester abortions, which have a higher risk of complications.
The first incident occurred on March 6, 2024, involving a woman who was 25 weeks pregnant. On these calls, they never seem to mention abortion. For example, in this case the dispatcher told EMS that the patient “is about 25 weeks pregnant, she’s bleeding, they’re at the women’s center.” It is unclear whether the woman had a completed abortion.
In a previous case at the same facility, a staff member told dispatch a woman was “miscarrying.” It is commonly reported that the complication rate for abortions is about 2%. However, stories like these at the Cherry Hill Clinic put the accuracy of that statistic under suspicion. There could be underreporting happening if these medical complications are recorded as related to pregnancy, instead of abortion. In fact, a recently released report revealed that this is very likely happening in the UK.
READ: Multiple new medical emergencies at New Jersey abortion business
The second incident happened just about two weeks later on March 22, 2024. The recorded call from the center staff was about a woman who was “postprocedural” with “signs of early sepsis.” There could be several reasons for infection. Perhaps the tools used weren’t sterile or the clinic staff wasn’t using proper techniques. Late abortions are often done in stages over the course of two days. According to Operation Rescue, “Sepsis is more frequent when this type of procedure is performed by untrained physicians, but it can also happen when an abortion is incomplete and the woman becomes infected after dilation due to an open [cervix].”
The third incident was another case of serious bleeding on April 17, 2024. The call was very vague and again there was no mention of abortion. The 911 dispatcher also asked, “What’s going on at the women’s center today?” This seems to imply that these calls are frequent.
A quick look at the list of Cherry Hill abortionists reveals that abortionist Eric Kfir Yahav works there. Yahav has been involved with several unsafe abortion facilities, tried to violently force his girlfriend into having an abortion, and helped the notorious abortionist Steven Chase Brigham.