A report this week from Fox News reiterates previously published data by Live Action News which showed that dozens of babies have survived abortions. Since 2016, three states have reported a total of at least 40 babies survived the abortions meant to take their lives in utero. State health data from Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida confirm that babies can and do survive abortion attempts. Minnesota reported three babies born alive in the state in 2018 after abortions, bringing their total to 11 since 2016. Arizona reported 10 infants born alive after abortion in 2017. Florida reported 19 abortion survivors born in the state since 2017. Sadly, most of these babies did not survive more than 24 hours after birth.
This information — much of it reported previously by Live Action News’ Carole Novielli — sheds an increasing light on what pro-abortion politicians and activists have been denying: that babies are born alive after abortion and either killed or left to die. Premature children born at and after 21 weeks gestation can survive and thrive when given proper medical care.
The Left likes to say it doesn’t happen. But state records confirm babies are in fact being born alive during abortions.
The Born Alive Act would guarantee ALL newborns access to life-saving care. Yet Dems have blocked it from a vote 80 times. Shameful. https://t.co/CC1hvjHPb1
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) August 19, 2019
“These numbers are in just three states, which means it’s a lot higher than we’d ever suspect,” Connor Semelsberger, a legislative assistant with the pro-life Family Research Council told Fox News. “Arizona is the outlier. They’ve had good reporting. This is a state that takes this seriously. Arizona really is enforcing laws on the books.”
Combined with data from the CDC that shows there were an underestimated 143 instances of aborted infants being born alive between 2003 and 2014 in the United States, the reporting from these three states is further proof that children do survive abortions.
As Live Action News’ Carole Novielli noted in her 2018 article, “The abortion industry would like the public to believe that babies are rarely born alive after abortions. However, research shows that the so-called abortion/live-birth dilemma has been haunting abortionists since the days of legalization, and is commonly referred to as the Dreaded Complication.”
READ: As abortion survivor testifies to Congress, NARAL claims she’s ‘imaginary’
While some states are required to report the number of children that survive abortions each year, many aren’t. In 2002, the Centers for Disease Control started requesting information from states regarding infants who survive abortions after an earlier version of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act was signed into law by President George W. Bush and defined abortion survivors as human begins who must be cared for accordingly. However, that law carried no punishments for anyone who violated it.
Despite this, 80 pro-abortion Democrats have blocked — dozens of times to date — the updated Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act from even going to a vote in the House. The Democratic minority blocked the Senate version of the bill as well. They claim that any child who survives an abortion must be so far along that he or she was being aborted because of a prenatal diagnosis and therefore would die anyway. However, survivors such as Gianna Jessen and Melissa Ohden prove otherwise.
Abortion survivors are real, and they deserve to be protected from killers like abortionist Kermit Gosnell who was convicted of murder after stabbing abortion survivors in the neck and snipping their spinal cords. They deserve a chance to live.
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