Human Interest

Two TikTok videos expose the trauma women can suffer after the death of a preborn baby

miscarriage, abortion, TikTok

After a woman posted a TikTok video of herself reading a positive pregnancy test and declaring that she would “get to kill another baby,” another woman posted a response on TikTok, sharing the heartbreak she has suffered from countless miscarriages.

Though many women who choose to end their children’s lives through abortion may attempt to stifle or deny any trauma resulting from that choice, causing the death of one’s own preborn child is not without emotional consequence. And as so many women readily admit, losing a child to miscarriage bears a trauma and grief all its own.

“I get to kill another baby”

The short clip of this video that is circulating on social media appears to show a young woman who is just learning she is pregnant. While she appears to express excitement that she will be able to “kill another baby” through abortion, there is actually more to the story.



As the woman continues, her pain becomes apparent. She said she plans to leave the pregnancy test on the baby’s father’s front door. It seems she doesn’t have a true relationship with him. Then she says through tears:

This might sound terrible, but I hope I miscarry it. Hopefully. Um… or abort it. I don’t know. I really don’t know what to do. I would not be able to have a kid right now. 

It’s clear that she isn’t actually happy or excited to have an abortion but that she feels trapped and alone. She wishes to miscarry because the “choice” of whether or not to abort is not a choice she wants to make.

For a woman who has been led to believe she has to be “ready” to have a baby or she has to have the right job or the right level of education, she may find out she is pregnant and feel that she has no choice but to abort because of her current position in life. That isn’t freedom. That’s oppression. The question is “why?” Why does she think she would not be able to have a child right now? With the right support, any woman of any age and any life situation can be a mother.

What this woman deserves is the support that will allow her to freely and confidently choose life for her baby — the support that she didn’t receive in the first pregnancy she alludes to. The only organizations that truly offer that kind of support are pro-life.

“I’ve been trying for nine years”

A second heartwrenching video was created as a response to the first. In this video, a woman reveals that her struggle with infertility has lasted nine years. She shares pregnancy test after pregnancy test after pregnancy test. Each of them positive. And each of them represents a baby she tragically lost to miscarriage.

“What made you post this? There’s women all around the world, including myself, that struggle with infertility. Ok, I’ve been trying for nine years. Pregnant, pregnant, pregnant. And I lost every single one of them,” she says through tears while throwing the tests at the camera. “And then there’s people like you that just pop ’em out and then think it’s funny just to say that you want to kill them.”

This woman’s pain is impossible to ignore, yet that’s what abortion supporters and practitioners do, even conflating the idea of taking the abortion pill with a miscarriage. The loss of a child through miscarriage is a real loss of a real child. That human being was a unique individual who will never exist again and who was deeply loved. Women who miscarry often spend the rest of their lives wondering who that child would have grown to be.

Miscarriage and abortion are both tragedies

Women are told by the abortion industry to celebrate their abortions, justify their abortions, and even laugh about their abortions. Women are told they need abortion in order to graduate from school or build a career. Celebrities who have had abortions credit their career success to their abortions rather than to their own merits and skills.

It’s degrading and anti-feminist to insist that women need abortion in order to succeed or be equal to men, yet this is exactly what abortion advocates do. Nearly 73% of women who sought post-abortion counseling said they didn’t choose abortion of their own free will, but because of pressures they faced to do so. The idea that abortion is about freedom and equality is a lie. Most women don’t want abortion as something desirable, but they seek it when they feel they have no other choice.

READ: Take a look inside the world’s largest post-abortion healing ministry

Meanwhile, women who miscarry are told by society to move on and not spend time mourning their loss. Countless women keep their miscarriages a secret and mourn their babies in silence because society doesn’t believe that the loss is significant and because these women often wrongly feel they somehow contributed to their own miscarriages. Women who do share their miscarriage grief are often told they can simply try again.

Some abortion businesses have presented abortion as if it is the same as a miscarriage. One abortionist said, “God performs way more abortions than I do…” This is cruel to women who have suffered a miscarriage, and conflating the intentional killing of a child through abortion to the natural loss of a child through miscarriage is incomprehensible and callous.

Women who miscarry did not have any choice at all — not even one made under pressure. They suffer such deep pain that they often don’t believe they will ever be able to become a mother. Watching other women joke or cheer about abortion is salt in their emotional wounds.

Abortion and miscarriage are not the same — one is an intentional choice and one is not — but women can experience unique trauma in both circumstances.

Women who miscarry can suffer from depression and anxiety long after the loss and even after giving birth to another baby.  Abortion trauma can cause depression, anxiety, and the inability to bond with future children. It can also lead to an increased risk of drug use, alcohol abuse, and suicidal thoughts.

Women experiencing the loss of a preborn child may suffer greatly, no matter the circumstances. The loss is tragic and frequently has a debilitating effect on the mental health of women.

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