NARAL Pro-Choice America took to Twitter to criticize Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) for presenting alleged “disinformation about abortion” in the GOP response to President Joe Biden’s speech to Congress this week. In his response, Scott referenced President Biden’s plans to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a pro-life rider which prohibits federal taxpayer dollars from funding most abortions.
The statement by Senator Scott that triggered NARAL‘s response was simple: “The President is abandoning principles he held for decades. Now, he says your tax dollars should fund abortions….”
That was Scott’s only reference to abortion, which you can watch or read in a transcript here.
In response, NARAL tweeted, “Are we surprised that @TimScottSC spread disinformation about abortion during his speech tonight? No. Are we annoyed? Absolutely. It’s like clockwork. When Republicans don’t have any popular policies to promote, they zero in on disinformation about abortion.#JointAddress”
![Image: NARAL responds to Sen Tim Scott on Biden push toward tax-funded abortion and repealing Hyde Amendment (Image: Twitter)](
NARAL responds to Sen Tim Scott on Biden push toward tax-funded abortion and repealing Hyde Amendment (Image: Twitter)
Here are the facts.
Biden was long-time supporter of the Hyde Amendment and an outspoken critic of taxpayer-funded abortion, until he folded to pressure from the abortion lobby and flipped on that stance during his 2019 presidential bid. During his presidential run, Biden’s campaign website clearly stated, “Vice President Biden supports repealing the Hyde Amendment because health care is a right that should not be dependent on one’s zip code or income.”
Since then, Biden has made multiple promises to codify Roe and expand abortion.
In a 1994 letter to a constituent (image below), then-Senator Biden stated that he agreed that taxpayers should not be forced to pay for abortions, “[…]the Government should not tell those with strong convictions against abortion…that we must pay for them,” he wrote in part.
Polls have shown that American taxpayers do not want their hard-earned money going towards funding abortion. A January 2021 Knights of Columbus/Marist Poll found that 77% of those who participated in the poll said they either “oppose” or “strongly oppose” the use of taxpayer dollars to support abortion overseas, and 58% of Americans opposed using taxpayer dollars to fund abortion within the U.S.
So, why would Biden flip-flop and push such an unpopular agenda of forcing the American taxpayer to fund abortion on demand? Live Action News contributor previously answered that question when she wrote, “Abortion giants spent millions to get Biden and his political allies elected. Biden is repaying them by loosening taxpayer pursestrings….”
READ: Pro-abortion members of Congress use misleading abortion claims to scrap Hyde Amendment
“Eliminating Hyde means more money for the abortion industry, especially for Planned Parenthood, which would be even freer to pick the pockets of taxpayers, though they already receive more than half a billion taxpayer dollars annually….” her article stated. As Live Action News has documented, when taxpayers fund abortion, more abortions take place.
This is not anti-abortion propaganda — the claim is supported by Planned Parenthood’s own former research arm and “special affiliate” the Guttmacher Institute. The group’s 2017 survey revealed that women who have taxpayer-funded abortions tend to have more abortions. An analysis published in 2018 by Guttmacher found that “Medicaid was the second-most-common method of payment [for abortion], reported by 24% of abortion patients.”
But reversing Hyde is just part of the Biden-Harris agenda to expand and fund abortion. Live Action News has documented that in just 100 days, the Biden-Harris administration has:
- Reinstated taxpayer-funded research on aborted children.
- Rescinded the Mexico City Policy in order to fund abortion overseas.
- Moved to undo the “Protect Life Rule” which limited organizations like Planned Parenthood and others from receiving federal Title X family planning funds if they provided or referred for abortion.
In addition, the Biden-Harris administration has appointed pro-abortion zealots to multiple agencies and offices. One includes Biden press secretary Ronald Klain, who shockingly referred to himself as “[j]ust a soldier in [NARAL’s] army…”
![Image: Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain a soldier in NARAL army (Image: Twitter)](
Biden Chief of Staff Ron Klain a soldier in NARAL army (Image: Twitter)
Based on the above information, NARAL’s tweet about Sen. Scott’s remarks is clearly false.
Ironically while NARAL accused Senator Scott of “disinformation,” NARAL is historically well known for its own disinformation campaign which helped to sway popular opinion in order to decriminalize abortion prior to the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision.
NARAL founder and former abortionist Bernard Nathanson admitted that he and others within NARAL (then known as the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws) put out a completely fabricated statistic claiming thousands or tens of thousands of women were dying from illegal abortions each year. Their goal was to legalize abortion to make it “safe.”
In his book, “The Abortion Papers,” Dr. Nathanson admitted that the 5,000 to 10,000 death figure which was fed “to the public and the media in the late 1960’s,” was fabricated because it was a “nice, round, shocking figure.” Just like today’s media, the media all those decades ago willingly — and with no documentation or proof — repeated the false statistics.
Nathanson reiterated this point in his book, “Hand of God,” writing, “There were perhaps three hundred or so deaths from criminal abortions annually in the United States in the sixties, but NARAL in its press releases claimed to have data that supported a figure of five thousand.”
The deception worked. That lie was successfully used to persuade lawmakers to rule in favor of legalized abortion. In the end, women’s lives remained in peril, as many have now died or been injured from legal abortion as the media remains silent.
But don’t expect to see a tweet from NARAL about that.
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