If you scroll down your Facebook feed these days or take a look on Twitter (and who hasn’t?!), chances are you’ve seen graphic pictures of abortion.
You may be disturbed.
If you’ve suffered a miscarriage or had an abortion, seeing photos of these babies may renew the constant ache in your heart.
So why are we sharing them anyway? Let me give you three reasons.
1) This is changing the minds of people we don’t usually reach.
If you’re already pro-life, we’re not sharing the graphic photos to convince you. We know you will sob alongside us for the little ones who were not allowed their day of birth. We do hope these pictures might stir you to action, and to a deeper conviction of why we all must fight.
As I posted on my Facebook yesterday:
Why am I always talking about abortion? Look at the pile of baby hands and feet in the latest video exposing Planned Parenthood. Hear them talk about the 20 week old twin in the freezer. Then you’ll know why.
But who are we really trying to reach with these photos? What about the girl, scrolling her Facebook feed who has just found out she’s pregnant and is planning on an abortion?
Might it change her mind to see a real, human baby in bloody pieces, tiny hand raised in the air? Might that not cause her to think twice if she really wants that to be her baby?
We have more friends like that girl than we realize.
Or what about your average pro-choice friend? Not overly pro-abortion, but supportive of a woman’s “right to choose”? Might it cause them to think twice when they see, with their own eyes, what a woman’s “choice” causes? The carnage of absolutely human babies?
We don’t show these graphic photos to hurt the mother who has suffered a miscarriage or to cause pain to the post-abortive mother. We don’t show them so your small children see them. (Now might be a good time to keep your five-year-olds off Facebook.)
We show them to change hearts and minds and, most importantly, to save lives.
“i was on the fence about abortion until i saw this”
We show them to persuade more young women to reject Planned Parenthood so that, if they are ever pregnant, they do not fall prey to the absolute lies that the abortion giant tells women.

A baby, not “pregnancy tissue”
2) The mainstream media won’t show it.
While I’ve actually been impressed by the amount of coverage the mainstream media has given to the Center for Medical Progress’s videos, there is still much they are not showing.
The last time I saw a clip of one of the videos on a Fox News program, the image of baby parts in a medical pie plate was fuzzed out. While the commentators are talking about the aborted babies – and this is excellent – people are probably not going to see what abortion really is on their TVs.
We need to show them through social media. Americans, who are largely desensitized and overly exposed to violence, need to witness the reality of abortion – in all its horror.
We can handle seeing it. We must handle seeing it, because we are allowing it to go on.

More real photos at www.ehd.org
3) We can save lives.
If you have heard a pro-life friend describe their pain and horror at seeing these videos – or if you have felt it yourself – you have caught a glimpse of the potential of these photos.
Young women seeing them may firmly decide to never subject their babies to this.
A pregnant mother may cancel her abortion appointment when she sees what abortion is – and who her baby is.
A guy in high school might call up his girlfriend and persuade her not to go through with an abortion.
And saving these lives – even one life – is worth the discomfort, horror, and deep pain it causes to us, every time we see these photos.
Let the reality of human life, ripped away far too early, compel us to act now and save lives. What picture will you go put up now; what video or article will you share? What words will you speak to save a life among your own friends?

Save this baby!