Today, Students for Life of America’s Expose Plan B campaign has launched a tweetfest initiative to raise awareness through social media about the dangers associated with the so-called “morning after” pill. The pill is a mega-dosage of the hormones found in the birth control pill, which can be obtained only via a prescription after a woman has consulted in person with her doctor.
Despite the fact that smaller doses of the drug cannot be purchased without a prescription, a federal ruling in 2009 made Plan B available over the counter to all women 17 and older. But then, in April of this year, a subsequent ruling struck the age limit of 17 and made Plan B available over-the-counter to anyone. This ruling opened the floodgates to problems that should concern pro-life advocates everywhere.
In the last few weeks, Students for Life has released two undercover video investigations revealing just a few of the abuses associated with the widespread availability of Plan B, including its role in covering up statutory rape and the possibility of constant misuse of the drug, especially by minor girls. Just yesterday, new research was released which showed that the Plan B available to all women over the counter may not be effective for women who weigh more than about 165 pounds.
Other studies show that Plan B exponentially increases a woman’s risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy, and basic biology demonstrates how Plan B can be an abortifacient if taken after fertilization has occurred but before the newly created human implants in her mother’s uterus. There is no easy way to know whether or not fertilization has occurred in the first few days after sexual intercourse, so Plan B is a game of Russian roulette. Furthermore, thanks to unrestricted over-the-counter access to Plan B, uninformed women of any age may be taking the drug without guidance or knowledge of the medical dangers associated with it.
Students for Life is encouraging pro-life people to tweet today using the hashtag #PlanBPill to raise awareness of the many insidious problems associated with its use. Visit the #ExposePlanB Facebook page for more information. You can sign a petition asking pharmacies to stop selling the drug here. Here are a few tweet templates suggested by Students for Life:
“….just put it in her orange juice tomorrow morning.”
“I’m going to slip this Plan B in her drink.” #planbpill
Plan B allows for statutory rapists to hide their crimes
So, I can’t buy Sudafed but I can buy #planbpill?
So, that’s why statutory rapists like #planbpill….
Hey @Walgreens, here’s why you need to stop selling Plan B: #planbpill
@Hey @CVS_Extra, here’s why you need to stop selling Plan B: #planbpill
Hey @RiteAid, you may want to stop stocking Plan B:
“Do you know if that dissolves in a drink?” #planbpill
#PlanBpill: a statutory rapist’s best friend