The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is dropping a Biden-era lawsuit against two pro-life groups that had been accused of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act at two abortion facilities.
Under the Biden-Harris administration, the DOJ filed a complaint alleging that Citizens for a Pro-Life Society along with Red Rose Rescue and other pro-life individuals violated the FACE Act on June 4 and 5 of 2021. The lawsuit claimed that the pro-life activists — Laura Gies, Lauren Handy, Clara McDonald, Monica Miller, Christopher Moscinski, Jay Smith, and Audrey Whipple — blocked entrances to both Northeast Ohio Women’s Center in Cuyahoga Falls and Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio’s Bedford Heights Surgery Center. Those involved with the pro-life efforts dispute this claim.
Under the Trump administration, that lawsuit will be dropped.
The same month that the activism took place, the remains of an aborted baby were found in a dumpster outside one of the locations — the Northeast Ohio Women’s Center. The baby was estimated to have been about 17 weeks at the time of the abortion and his limbs had been torn apart, indicating the use of the D&E (dilation and evacuation) dismemberment abortion procedure.
“We are incredibly grateful, especially grateful to God, that this pathetic lawsuit is gone,” said Citizens for a Pro-Life Society’s director, Monica Miller. “It never should have been brought in the first place! Indeed, Red Rose Rescues do not violate the FACE act, as Red Rose Rescuers do not physically block or interfere with anyone’s freedom of movement. Please see for information on this innovative rescue strategy.”
The pro-lifers had entered the abortion businesses to hand out roses and offer support and assistance to mothers seeking abortions, “performing a non-violent act of defense through their continued presence inside the killing centers, remaining with them for as long as they can,” the Red Rose Rescue website states.
The decision to drop the lawsuit was announced on Friday, January 24, when U.S. Attorney General Chief of Staff Chad Mizelle issued a memo telling federal prosecutors around the nation to stop filing lawsuits and criminal cases under the FACE Act. Mizelle stated that such charges should only be filed under extreme circumstances such as when serious injury or death occur and must be approved by DOJ officials. Local police and prosecutors are asked to handle the cases themselves, otherwise.
In a statement, an attorney for the pro-life activists, Peter Breen said, “These cases should have never been brought, and we are thankful to the Trump administration for righting that wrong.”