
Trump vows to veto legislation ‘that weakens the protection of human life’


President Donald Trump vowed Friday to veto any bill that weakens already in place pro-life protections for the preborn. Addressing the crowd at the annual March for Life via a videotaped message, Trump stated, “Today I have signed a letter to Congress to make clear that if they send any legislation to my desk that weakens the protection of human life, I will issue a veto, and we have the support to uphold those vetoes.” In addition, he sent a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi today, reiterating the same, labeling the House’s day-one attempts to “reverse important pro-life protections” as “alarming.”

As the House of Representatives conducts its business, I urge that it respect and continue these and other important pro-life protections. I believe it is the most basic duty of government to guard the innocent. With that in mind, I will veto any legislation that weakens current pro-life Federal policies and laws, or that encourages the destruction of innocent human life at any stage.




The support the president mentioned is that of the 169 Representatives and 49 Senators who this week wrote letters to Trump requesting that he promise to veto such legislation, and vowing to vote in support of his vetoes.

“We respectfully urge you to publicly commit to veto any appropriations bill that weakens any existing pro-life protections on taxpayer funding or any other bill that would weaken federal policy on abortion. We will vote to sustain your veto,” members of Congress wrote.

Like Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush before him, Trump has agreed to this request.

“As president, I will always defend the first right in our Declaration of Independence – the right to life,” said Trump. “During my first week in office, I reinstated the Mexico City policy. We have taken bold action to protect the religious freedoms of doctors, nurses, and charities like the Little Sisters of the Poor.”

READ: March for Life 2019 in Washington D.C. ‘values the entirety’ of women

“We issued a new proposal to prohibit Title X taxpayer funding from going to any clinic that performs abortions,” he continued. “We are supporting the choice of adoption and foster care, including through the support of faith-based adoption services, and I am supporting the U.S. Senate’s efforts to make permanent the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding for abortion in the spending bills.”

The president thanked everyone who traveled to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life, including the “young people who give us hope for the future.”

“Together, we will work to save the lives of unborn children, so that they have a chance to live and to love, to thrive and to dream,” he said, “and to bless our nation and reach their full and glorious potential.”

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