
President Trump slams same social media bias suppressing Live Action ads


Live Action has, since 2015, been fighting Twitter for suppressing ads due to so-called “inflammatory” content — like ultrasound photos. As previously reported, in addition to simply calling the ads themselves inflammatory and “offensive,” Live Action’s email exchanges with Twitter “show[ed] that the social media outlet required that Live Action remove such ‘sensitive content’ from our own website before it would run our ads.” And yet, the social media giant seems to have no problems running inflammatory political ads for Planned Parenthood:

Twitter and Live Action Example 1

Twitter and Live Action Example 2

This “pro-Planned Parenthood, pro-abortion bias” is bad enough in the mainstream media; when it is suppressed on what should be a much more open platform — social media — as Live Action News noted previously, “this robs millions of people of the opportunity to hear the pro-life viewpoint.”

On Saturday, President Trump smacked down this kind of anti-life, anti-conservative bias — seen most recently in Facebook’s censoring of Prager U’s conservative videos from its own followers — posting on his Twitter account that “censorship is a very dangerous thing”:

According to MSN News, “[Twitter CEO Jack] Dorsey told CNN in an interview that aired on Saturday that he ‘fully admit[s]’ that Twitter employees tend to share a more left-leaning bias and that he hasn’t done enough when it comes ‘being open about our own personal views.'” It was after this admission that the president tweeted his remarks.

A recent Gallup poll showed that 80 percent of Americans don’t want their media content censored for political or ideological reasons. Perhaps social media giants should take note and begin to police themselves rather than groups with which they disagree.

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