Tuesday’s controversy of the day centered around Donald Trump, who allegedly told the mother of a noisy, crying baby to take her child out of the room during a campaign rally. But thanks to Big Choice’s spectacular lack of self-awareness, what could have begun and ended as a moderately embarrassing episode for the Republican presidential nominee instead morphed into a particularly blatant reminder of abortion advocates’ monstrous hypocrisy.
For the record, an eyewitness account of the incident from the American Principles Project’s Joshua Pinho suggests there was less to this flap than the media would have you believe. As has been widely reported, Trump was first cordial and pleasant in response to the child’s increasingly noticeable crying…
Don’t worry about that baby, I love babies. I love babies. I hear that baby crying. I like it. What a baby, what a beautiful baby. Don’t worry, don’t worry. The mom’s running around, like don’t worry about it, you know. It’s young and beautiful and healthy and that’s what we want.
However, while many reports have given the impression that Trump soon changed his mind and mockingly shamed the mother out of the room—saying, “I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I’m speaking. That’s okay. People don’t understand. That’s okay”—according to Pinho, this line was actually a “lighthearted joke” Trump made after she took her baby away on her own:
There was at least one other child crying, as young children are expected to do, during the event, seated even closer to the press box. That family was not asked to leave by Trump, nor his staff.
Has the media forgotten how Trump likes to handle his rallies? Trump is a showman, fast on his feet, and he plays off of small inconveniences and interruptions with humor.
So your mileage may vary as to the outrage level of the incident. But we can all agree that Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s attempt to score a few cheap points with it brought things to another level:
Add babies to the list of people @realDonaldTrump would kick out of his campaign rallies. https://t.co/UaqVpv35bd
— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) August 2, 2016
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s Planned Parenthood complaining that somebody else didn’t give babies due respect and deference. While calling them people, no less!
NARAL jumped on the bandwagon, too:
.@realDonaldTrump just kicked a mom and a baby out of a rally in #VA. Yep, seriously. https://t.co/ak5z708atM #WontVoteTrump
— NARAL (@NARAL) August 2, 2016
A buddy of mine put it best:
@PPact @realDonaldTrump Trump kicks them out of his rallies, you kick them out of existence. Which is worse?
— Mark Elsasser (@markelsasser) August 2, 2016
Plenty of other Twitter users took the opportunity to roast Planned Parenthood over the grim irony (hat tip to Twitchy and the Blaze):
From an organization that prefers its babies to scream silently. https://t.co/wWtPuv47g5
— Tim Stanley (@timothy_stanley) August 2, 2016
Can someone explain to the intern running @PPact's handle what their organization does to babies? https://t.co/zBJIRqtNm1
— Bre Payton (@Bre_payton) August 2, 2016
At least they leave his rallies alive. They never leave your clinics alive, do they? https://t.co/FlFpBBRwWt
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 2, 2016
Please tell me more about how much you care about babies. https://t.co/m62XxZskPj
— neontaster (@neontaster) August 2, 2016
@PPact @realDonaldTrump Guess you guys missed one.
— Jeremy Lott (@jeremylottdiary) August 2, 2016
Unfortunately, the truth about the abortion lobby’s moral backwardness won’t do much good to delegitimize it if the roasting is mostly confined to Twitter and seen mostly by people who already understand. Cecile Richards, Ilyse Hogue, and all their underlings need to be bombarded with questions about their double-standard every time they show up on TV or radio. Heck, the attack ads almost write themselves.
This is a golden opportunity to focus the conversation away from the euphemisms about “women’s health” and squarely on the central matter of what abortion does to children. A pity it’s unlikely to be used to its full potential.