Curtis Boyd and Warren Hern, two of the few abortionists willing to commit late-term abortions in the early days just after the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling, are estimated to have collectively ended the lives of at least 300,000 preborn babies over the past handful of decades.
Yet the number of abortions admittedly committed by Boyd (an estimated 250,000) far outweighs those reportedly committed by Hern (42,000) — by a factor of nearly six to one.

Late-term abortionists Curtis Boyd and Warren Hern
Curtis Wayne Boyd: An estimated 250,000 babies dead
Late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd has proudly confessed to executing over 250,000 preborn babies by abortion.
Boyd, who began committing abortions even before Roe in the 1960s, admitted in a deposition that he had committed over 10,000 illegal abortions. Then, in his book, “The Family Roe,” published in 2021, author Joshua Prager reported that during his lifetime, Curtis Boyd committed approximately 250,000 abortions.
Tragically, Boyd’s abortions didn’t end there, and the number likely grew before he eventually retired.

Late-term abortion provider Curtis Boyd committed 250K abortions
Boyd had long maintained that he committed the “full range” of abortions in “first, second, third trimester,” and his staff has been caught on camera agreeing to commit an abortion on a preborn baby at 30 weeks gestation… simply because the mother felt “stressed.”
The late-term abortionist once admitted to WFAA News that he knows he is “killing,” and he recently described his deadly abortion career as “utter exhilaration.”
For decades, Boyd operated two late-term abortion facilities — one in Dallas, Texas, and one in Albuquerque, New Mexico — and he now owns one facility in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Boyd’s late-term abortion killing spree was halted after pro-life medical malpractice attorneys Mike Seibel and Justin Hall won a lawsuit against him for the abortion related death of 23 year-old Keisha Atkins who sought a later abortion at Boyd’s Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Seibel discovered that Atkins had been given the abortion pill regimen during her late-term abortion as part of an experiment.

Pro-life Medical Malpractice Attorney Mike Seibel
In her deposition, Boyd’s staff abortionist Dr. Shannon Carr admitted she inaccurately indicated on Atkins’ patient evaluation that Atkins would suffer “irreversible harm” to her physical health if she were to carry the baby to term. After being pressed by the family’s attorneys, Carr acknowledged that there would have been no irreversible harm to Keisha’s physical or mental health had she carried the baby to term. She was 24 weeks pregnant when she died.
Seibel’s lawsuit on behalf of Atkins’ family eventually led to a $1.26 million settlement, which included a wrongful referral settlement of $365,000 from the University of New Mexico (UNM) — which trains abortionists.
In their memoirs, Boyd and his wife mentioned Seibel’s long-standing fight to end Boyd’s late-term practices, noting that “an anti-abortion attorney persuaded the patient’s mother to sue, and that suit attracted further adverse attention.”
Seibel, who can be credited with thwarting one of the most prolific late-term abortionists, has since dubbed Curtis Boyd the “Godfather of Abortion,” and emotionally referred to opposing Boyd as “fighting the greatest evil.”
In 2023, well after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision in June 2022, Boyd closed his Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center in Dallas, Texas. Then, less than a year later, Boyd stopped committing third trimester abortions and eventually sold SWO to abortionist Alan Braid, according to state records.
The Alamo Women’s Clinic website reveals that Braid is willing to end the lives of preborn babies up to 32 weeks gestation. However, calls to the facility conducted by the pro-life group Operation Rescue indicated they may be committing abortions through the 38th week of pregnancy.

Alamo Women’s Clinic of Albuquerque, LLC
Last year, a report from the Palm Beach Post revealed that Boyd and his wife Glenna Halvorsen-Boyd purchased the Presidential Women’s Center in West Palm Beach, Florida, from founder Mona Reis in 2021. Abortionists at the facility, which had operated for decades before the Boyds purchased it, previously committed second trimester abortions but halted those procedures due to “Florida’s 6-week Abortion Ban” being “in Effect as of May 1st, 2024.”
According to WebMD, a host of OBGYNs work at Boyd’s Presidential abortion facility, with a Doctor Daniel Noah Sacks mentioned in more recent Google reviews online.

WebMD doctors at Presidential Women’s abortion clinic
In addition to killing over 250,000 preborn babies himself, Boyd influenced other abortionists, like Mildred “Millie” Hanson — a medical director of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota — and in his memoirs, Boyd recounted training third-trimester abortionist George Tiller.
Warren Hern: An estimated 42,000 babies dead
Late-term abortionist Warren Hern did his medical training around the same time as Boyd, but did not commit abortions prior to Roe v. Wade. In his book “Abortion in the Age of Reason,” Hern referred to Boyd as his “friend and colleague.”
Hern founded the Boulder Abortion Clinic in Boulder, Colorado, in January of 1975, just two years after the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling unleashed abortion upon the nation.
Under Hern’s direction, third-trimester abortions were openly committed at the facility, with Hern committing some abortions as late as 36 weeks.
In the course of this time, it has been estimated that Hern has ended the lives of nearly 42,000 babies. In 2022, the Denver Gazette reported that “Hern said he has performed over 40,000 abortions since 1973,” an average of 816 abortions (many later in pregnancy) each year.
By 2024, that total would have increased by at least 2,000 additional preborn lives.

Boulder Abortion Clinic late abortion over 28 weeks Warren Hern 051223
Fifty years after opening the Boulder facility, Ms. Magazine reported that Hern planned to officially retire from his “work,” effective January 22, 2025. But Hern, who has always thought of himself as the standard for late abortion “care,” will not be closing the facility, and has been busy training additional abortionists to replace him.
According to his page on the SMFM2025 conference, the Boulder facility tragically now has “three physicians specializing in later abortions.”
It appears that one of those abortionists could be Jessica Chen, who once claimed to wrestle over seeking aborting for her own baby at 23 weeks. As Live Action News previously documented, Chen received “medical training” by observing abortions up through the third trimester at Warren Hern’s Boulder Abortion Clinic in Colorado, and participated in third-trimester abortions.
Benedict Landgren Mills has also previously committed abortions at the Boulder facility, and was thanked by an abortion client in a Google review. In 2024, Mills was working with the Partners in Abortion Care along with co-owners Diane Horvath, MD and Morgan Nuzzo, and abortionists Stacey Leigh Rubin and Katie McHugh — so it is unclear if Mills is also working at the Boulder abortion facility. Still, as of the writing of this article, WebMD showed Mills along with Heikki Herman Saarikoski, MD (who formerly operated at the facility), as physicians practicing at Hern’s Boulder abortion facility.

WebMD abortion docs at late-term Boulder Abortion Clinic
Hern previously rejected the idea of “self-managed abortion” or any abortion committed by someone other than a doctor, according to New York Review writer Christine Henneberg. “If Hern has changed his mind since 1993, he doesn’t explicitly say so in his book,” Henneberg wrote.
Hern recently questioned the care women receive when they are sold abortion pills, by asking the obvious: Who is doing “follow-up exam[s]” and “tak[ing] care of… a complication”?
Collectively, the staggering number of abortions committed by Curtis Boyd and Warren Hern over the course of their careers is equivalent to the city populations of Cincinnati, Ohio, Orlando, Florida, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and St. Louis, Missouri.
And while it is unclear just how many of the 300,000 abortions committed by Boyd and Hern were specifically late-term abortions, we know that nationally it has been estimated that abortion at or after 21 weeks made up roughly 1% of the more than one million abortions committed in 2023. This small percentage translates into a disturbingly large estimate of 10,370 babies killed in one year by violent abortion at or after 21 weeks of pregnancy (using 2023 Guttmacher data).
Since 1973, it has been estimated that nearly 63 million abortions have been committed, suggesting that upwards of 63,000 later abortions have likely occurred since then. One can only guess how many of those were committed by Boyd and Hern.