Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s recent abortion gaffe on NBC’s “Meet the Press” is drawing criticism from individuals on both sides of the abortion debate. During a Sunday interview with host Chuck Todd, Clinton called the child in the womb an “unborn person,” yet she claimed the baby has no rights under the U.S. Constitution.
The admission drew condemnation from Clinton’s own supporters —abortion advocates — who have, for decades, avoided using language to humanize the preborn child. Even a Planned Parenthood executive slammed Clinton’s admission, claiming that the statement “further stigmatizes #abortion.”
.@HillaryClinton further stigmatizes #abortion. She calls a fetus an ‘unborn child’ & calls for later term restrictions. #MeetThePress
— Diana Arellano (@diaarellano) April 3, 2016
Clinton’s longstanding support for Planned Parenthood earned her the group’s Margaret Sanger award and the abortion giant’s first endorsement during a presidential primary in its 100-year history. Although the former secretary of state holds an extreme position on abortion, her statement labeling a preborn child as a “person” reveals cognitive dissonance in tune with the abortion industry and lobby.
As a mother and grandmother, Clinton has publicly celebrated the lives of the preborn children in her family. In December of 2015, Clinton welcomed her second grandchild, noting in the tweet the baby’s obvious humanity.
Your dad and I could not be happier for you, Marc, and Charlotte. We’re so excited to meet our second grandchild! -H
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 21, 2015
Clinton, who also celebrated Chelsea Clinton’s pregnancy in 2014, called the baby in the womb a “child” and announced that she was a “grandmother-to-be.”
My most exciting title yet: Grandmother-To-Be! @billclinton and I are thrilled that Chelsea and Marc are expecting their first child!
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) April 17, 2014
However, Clinton’s “Meet the Press” admission reveals the intellectually dishonest position of the abortion lobby: abortion activists only recognize the protection and rights of preborn children who are wanted. These children are celebrated and welcomed into the world, while unwanted babies their same age and size are dehumanized as “tissue” and “clumps of cells.”
Clinton’s accidental “Meet the Press” admission, though, reveals that the decades-long educational effort by the pro-life movement—along with advancements in science and technology — is changing hearts and minds. Americans are increasingly pro-life and support some restrictions on abortion, especially in the late term.
Clinton’s hinted openness to restrictions in the late-term also demonstrates that even the most adamant abortion supporters are admitting their discomfort with abortion, and the obvious humanity of the preborn.