Two East Coast Planned Parenthood facilities sent patients to hospitals by ambulance in the month of March 2017 — one in Boston, Massachusetts, and one in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Operation Rescue reports that on March 2, an ambulance was called to the Virginia Beach Planned Parenthood facility for an unconscious African-American patient. Abortionist David Peters had reportedly left the Planned Parenthood facility to commit abortions at another nearby facility, before all Planned Parenthood abortion patients were stabilized. Peters has a history of “shoddy practices,” detailed by Operation Rescue.
Though a complaint was filed with the Virginia Department of Health regarding Peters’ tendency to rush from one job to another, leaving patients “still in recovery without a physician present,” nothing was done, as the DOH “found no ‘deficiency’ in deserting surgical abortion patients before they were stabilized.”
On March 28, Planned Parenthood in Boston, Massachusetts, called 911 for another African-American patient whose condition is not currently known. This instance is “the fifth medical emergency transport from the Boston Planned Parenthood documented by Operation Rescue.”
Operation Rescue also notes that they released a chart “detailing 37 known medical emergencies at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities since January 2016. The total is now to 39.” See below:
Medical Emergencies at Planned Parenthood Facilities Jan 2016-March 2017 by Cheryl Sullenger on Scribd