The U.S. House voted today on legislation to halt the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, which has been caught harvesting the body parts of aborted babies, among other scandals.
The House approved H.R. 3762, a reconciliation bill which cannot be filibustered in the U.S. Senate, on a near party-line 240-189 vote. The bill can pass the Senate chamber with 51 votes, rather than than the 60-vote threshold.
H.R. 3762 places a freeze on certain federal payments to the abortion giant for one year. Only seven House Republicans voted in opposition to the measure, while one Democrat, Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn), voted in favor.
Reps. Ken Buck (Col.) Bob Dold (Ill.), Richard Hanna (NY), Walter Jones (NC), Mark Meadows (NC) and Matt Salmon (AZ) were the seven Republicans who broke party ranks.
Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding has come under scrutiny over the past few months, in the wake of undercover videos revealing corporate Planned Parenthood executives discussing horrific fetal tissue procurement practices.
In August, the U.S. Senate held a historic vote to defund the abortion giant, with most senators in favor of the measure. The effort was halted, however, due to a filibuster by Senate Democrats.
The latest vote comes in the aftermath of 10 videos by The Center for Medical Progress, which detail Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry’s role in the trafficking of fetal body parts.
The videos also show top-level Planned Parenthood executives admitting how they sell the body parts of aborted babies, alter the abortion procedure to obtain intact organs, and perform what appears to be illegal partial-birth abortions.