The U.S. House will vote next week on a bill to defund abortion giant Planned Parenthood for one year, in the wake of videos exposing its role in fetal parts trafficking.
Penned by Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.), the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 would prohibit federal funding for the abortion giant unless abortions are not performed. The bill would halt funding to the abortion business while Congress conducts an investigation into the sale of aborted baby parts.
The vote is another step by the GOP House to end the government subsidy for Planned Parenthood. Lawmakers have vowed to stop taxpayer funding to the group after numerous videos by Center for Medical Progress show top-level Planned Parenthood executives haggling over the price of aborted baby parts and joking about killing defenseless children.
“Nearly two months ago, a veil was lifted giving Americans a window into the true heart and soul of Planned Parenthood and implicating the organization in the alleged trafficking of aborted babies’ tissue and organs, ” Black said in a statement.
“This callous disrespect for innocent life is heartbreaking and it demands a response from Congress. Investigations are underway now, but there are more than enough lingering questions to stop the money flow to this abortion giant while Congress conducts a full review of its activities.”
“I am unapologetically pro-life, but Americans of all political persuasions deserve to know that our laws are being followed and that their tax dollars are spent with integrity,” Black added. “This legislation will ensure that is the case.”
Black said her bill will redirect funds to the over 13,000 health clinics that offer comprehensive health services for women.
“As a nurse for more than 40 years, I also understand the importance of providing women access to needed health services. That is why my bill would not reduce overall public health funding by a single dime. Instead, this legislation will prioritize women’s health over abortion by allowing federal dollars to be rerouted to other providers – like the more than 13,000 facilities nationwide providing preventive care to low-income and vulnerable women without performing abortions. I am grateful that the House is poised to act on this issue that is so deeply personal and close to my heart, but we know the fight is just beginning. This is among the most pressing human rights matters of our time and I am committed to seeing this effort through to the very end.”
President Barack Obama has indicated he will not sign legislation that cuts funding from the abortion business; however, Black’s bill is expected to pass the GOP House.