Ron Virmani, the abortionist who referred to black babies as “ugly” and said they would grow up to be murderers, had a patient leave his care today in an ambulance. The Charlotte Coalition for Life reports that a woman was taken away from the clinic on a stretcher in an ambulance to the hospital.
LifeNews has more information, including that an employee violated patient confidentiality, disclosing some of the woman’s medical history to pro-life volunteers there:
On Tuesday morning, when pro-life volunteers praying at the clinic expressed concern for the patient, a clinic worker commented on the patient’s medical history. The employee commented that the patient was high risk for abortion complications due to many C-section births and said that the woman was not bleeding when she arrived at the clinic for the abortion.
“We were surprised to see the clinic staff so cavalierly divulging this kind of confidential information, and alarmed that they proceeded with the abortion given the woman’s apparent condition,’ said Filz.
Local pro-life advocates are also concerned the abortion clinic placed the woman at risk even after the failed abortion injured her.
“Their last appointment is at noon,” said pro-life volunteer Lisa Metzger. “Why did it take three hours to get an ambulance there? Virmani usually leaves around 1:00 on Mondays… 2:00 at the latest. The parking lot is usually clear by 1:30! So, they waited an awfully long time to call an ambulance.”
What is the severity of this woman’s injuries? That has yet to be seen, although hopefully she’ll suffer no lasting damage from this possibly botched abortion.
3/10/2016 Editor Update: Abortion Dr. Ron Virmani in a written communication with Live Action News commented on this incident, saying:
I transferred this patient to the hospital on that date out of abundance of caution. She was observed overnight at the hospital. No surgery was done, no blood transfusion was given. She was discharged the next day.