
UK’s plan to legalize abortion pill at home won’t make women safer

abortion pill

The BBC reports that current abortion law in the United Kingdom requires a woman to visit an abortion provider for a medication abortion (abortion pill). She must take both the first pill of the regimen (mifepristone, to starve the preborn baby of nutrients) at the provider’s office and then return 24-48 hours later to take the second pill (misoprostol, to cause contractions) in office. However, a new law set to take effect at the end of this year will allow the second pill — which sets in motion the labor process for the woman to expel the body of her deceased baby — to be taken after the woman arrives back home.

READ: Abortion pill dangers are unknown because half of U.S. states don’t report complications

Some women have reportedly experienced some harrowing circumstances under the current law, going into labor before making it home. Of course, the BBC only reports the comments of those praising the law change:

The chief medical officer said the move would increase choice for women, and ensure they received “safe and dignified care”.

Professor Dame Sally Davies said: “Abortion can be a difficult experience so it is important that women feel safe and as comfortable as possible.”…

Professor Lesley Regan, president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said it was “a major step forward for women’s healthcare”.

“This simple and practical measure will provide women with significantly more choice and is the most compassionate care we can give them” she added.

“It will allow women to avoid the distress and embarrassment of bleeding and pain during their journey home from an unnecessary second visit to a clinic or hospital.”

These “experts” can talk until they’re blue in the face about the abortion pill being supposedly “safe,” but in truth, it’s not quite so simple. In the United States, for example, only about half of the states are even required to report complications resulting from abortions. How very convenient, then, that the abortion industry, which sells medication abortion for about the same cost as a surgical abortion, can claim “safety,” thanks to little more than a lack of reporting on injuries!

The abortion provider is the one coming out on top here. After all, if the woman suffers complications at home, the provider doesn’t have any responsibility to care for her — no ambulance to call, no report to make. Instead, hospital emergency rooms will deal with the aftermath, including possible hemorrhaging, sepsis, and even death.

Abortion pill risks and adverse effects

There is nothing “compassionate” about this, nor is it “healthcare.”

Women have stated that they experienced horrible things during their medication abortions. One — who does not regret having an abortion — said the pain she experienced with the abortion pill was “the worst thing I’ve ever felt in my life. I couldn’t even move, it was like taking on the period pains of 100 women combined. There was so much blood that I’d have to change my sanitary towel every hour. Overnight, my sheets were covered in blood beyond repair….”

Another said, “Nothing… had prepared me for the searing, gripping, squeezing pain that ripped through my belly… I was disoriented, nauseated, and, between crushing waves of contractions, that I imagine were close to what labor feels like, racing from the bed to the bathroom with diarrhea.”

And another said, “The 5 feet between the couch and the bathroom seemed insurmountable, and when the convulsions, fever, and chills hit, my body thumped to the floor. I stayed there excreting fluids I did not know my body had onto the wood floor.”

READ: These 15 women say taking the abortion pill is nothing like having a period

“At-home abortion” does not seem to be making women as “safe and as comfortable as possible,” nor does it sound “dignified,” as the experts above stated. But one of the experts was right when she said, “Abortion can be a difficult experience.” It can be even more difficult if you’re experiencing life-threatening complications. Women deserve better.

Editor’s Note: For more facts on the abortion pill, its side effects, and abortion pill reversal, go here.

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