A group of pro-woman activists in the UK is taking steps toward clarifying the 1967 Abortion Act’s prohibition of sex-selection abortion. Investigations reveal that gendercide has become a widespread practice in the UK, and pro-life advocates want to reiterate the current law so that this practice will end. Stop Gendercide, a group promoting the bill that will definitively ban gendercide among constituents in the UK, is hard at work raising awareness of the realities that have often gone unnoticed in their nation.
The Bill’s purpose is to clarify and reiterate the current Abortion Act’s provisions regarding gendercide, not to erect a superfluous ban on top of the legislation that already prohibits the practice. These protections have been contradicted by several large groups, making the subject ambiguous in the UK medical community. For example, both the British Medical Association and the British Pregnancy Advisory Service have outlined different reasons why they hold sex-selection abortion is actually permissible under the law (one claims that allowing sex-selection is permissible on mental health grounds, and another simply claims that it is not illegal to begin with).
The Bill will be presented to parliament on November 4, leaving Stop Gendercide with just one week to campaign for women’s rights in the crucial fight against gendercide. Pro-choice naysayers obstinately deny the reality of gendercide across the globe (because it conflicts with the abortion agenda), but even mainstream media sources have confirmed its prevalence. An undercover investigation conducted by the Telegraph released shocking results regarding gendercide in the UK:
To learn more about the Abortion (Sex-Selection) Bill and efforts to protect unborn girls in the UK, visit the website of Stop Gendercide. International women’s rights advocates can raise awareness of the Bill with the help of information found here, and residents of the UK can write directly to their MP via Stop Gendercide, here.