Human Interest

UK maternity ward delivers 22 babies on 2/22/22

babies, 2/22

Queen’s Hospital in Romford in the United Kingdom had an exciting day, delivering 22 babies on February 22, 2022 — or 2/22/22.

One mother, Imogen Peter, even came close to delivering her daughter, Aurora, at 22:22 (or 10:22); instead, Aurora was born at 22:19 (10:19), missing the time by just three minutes. Still, Aurora was born on 2/22 in the 22nd hour of the day, and was one of the lucky 22.

“Twenty-two is definitely our lucky number now! She was due on 21 February and I was brought in on 19 February to be induced and ended up having a c-section,” Peter is quoted as saying in the hospital press release. “As I’d been in for a few days, the significance of the date passed me by until afterwards. All my family and even the midwives were all pointing it out to me though, how special her birthday would be. She’s our first baby so it is very special. I thought it was weird when I heard 22 babies were born on that day too!”

READ: Baby born to cancer survivor on 2/22/22 at 2:22 a.m… in room two!

Sue Calder, matron at Queen’s Hospital’s maternity department, said it’s a day the staff will never forget. “We were amazed and thrilled that 22 babies were born on the remarkable date 22/2/2022,” she said in a statement. “It was a busy but unforgettable day on our labour ward. Congratulations to all the families that welcomed their new additions on this date, they certainly have a memorable birthday!”

There were several other notable deliveries and anniversaries on 2/22/22 in the United States as well. A trio of triplets, born premature, celebrated their 22nd birthday on 2/22/22. “Their Golden Birthday seemed so far away when they were born, and we thought about their unique date in history, but here it is!” the triplets’ father said. “As they say when raising children, The days are long but the years are short.”

In North Carolina, baby Judah Grace was born to a cancer survivor on 2/22/22 at 2:22 in the morning… in room two. “Baby Judah is an answered prayer for her family,” the Alamance Regional Medical Center wrote on social media. “Mom Aberli is a Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor, and the necessary cancer treatments she went through made pregnancy unlikely. But the family continued to pray for a little one – and today their prayer was answered!”

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