Guest Column

UN report claims young girls cannot succeed without abortion


(C-Fam, New York) To commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child, a UN treaty body has released a statement mentioning abortion 27 times as the most important factor for the well-being and development of young girls.

The Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) says that unless young girls have access to abortion, they cannot lead a fulfilling life or reach their full potential. These experts say that unless widespread abortion access is secured, a discussion of any other rights may be worthless.

CEDAW also says that “access…to safe and quality abortion is a human right under international law, and especially crucial for girls,” yet no UN resolution or treaty has ever considered abortion a human right. The committee did reference the Cairo Program of Action as a setting stone for declaring abortion an international human right, yet the Cairo document declared that “abortion is a subject that may be exclusively addressed in national legislation” and that “in no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning.”

Critics argue that many UN treaty bodies and agencies, including UN Women, dedicate a disproportionate amount of time and resources to helping girls terminate their unwanted pregnancies while commitments to improve their access to education, water, sanitation, food, and other pressing humanitarian services often take a backseat.

An audit report of the Spotlight Initiative, a partnership between the EU and UN to end violence against women and girls, showed the €505.6 million investment on the part of the EU “has had little impact and is yet to prove its value for money.” The Initiative spent $173.7 million to support organizations that advocate for women’s empowerment in developing countries, many of which engaged in advocacy and normative work on the sexual and reproductive health front…

Read the entire article at C-Fam.

Editor’s Note: Iulia Cazan writes for C-Fam. This article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-Fam (Center for Family & Human Rights), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.

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