
Unbelievable: LeRoy Carhart botches another abortion


Leroy Carhart.

It’s almost unbelievable: LeRoy Carhart has botched another abortion, sending one more maternal victim to the emergency room with what Operation Rescue reports as “apparently life-threatening complications.” The incident occurred on Tuesday, when an ambulance took Carhart’s victim to the hospital in the late afternoon. Unsurprisingly, Operation Rescue reports that Carhart was not seen with his patient during the event.

In case you missed it: LeRoy Carhart is responsible for numerous botched abortions, as documented by Operation Rescue. He is one of the infamous late-term abortionists whose gruesome profession is chronicled in the pro-abortion film After TillerAnd Live Action caught him calling the dead babies he aborts late-term in utero meat in a Crock Pot.” Despite his unbelievable track record and even the fact that at least two of his patients, Jennifer Morbelli (age 29) and Christin Gilbert (age 19), have died after he was MIA following botched abortions, the Maryland Board of Physicians consistently fails to discipline or even censure his practice.

Operation Rescue details the events of Tuesday:

Due to a snowstorm, Carhart was unable to see women scheduled for multi-day late-term abortions as usual on Sunday. Carhart was seen by witnesses at the Germantown Reproductive Health Services abortion clinic between 5:00 and 11:00 p.m. on Monday then was back at the clinic 9:45 a.m. Tuesday morning where at least 16 abortion patients were seen.

“It appears that Carhart was once again conducting surgeries on women in a fatigued state, as he is known to do. He brags of never taking a day off. At the age of 72, we believe he is endangering women with his irresponsible behavior, and this latest medical emergency in Germantown is more evidence of that,” said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue.

As far back as 1993, Carhart was ordered by the Nebraska Attorney General to stop “interrupting or delaying a surgical procedure including abortion due to or as a result of his exhaustion or fatigue.”

Medical emergencies at Carhart’s abortion facilities in Maryland and in Bellevue, Nebraska, have become more frequent in recent months, leading to concerns that he is unfit to continue practicing medicine.

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