
Undercover recording: Florida abortion facility helping women avoid pro-life law

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A Florida law protecting preborn children from abortion after six weeks gestation, when a heartbeat can often be detected, has taken effect. At least one abortion facility is evidently responding by paying for women to have abortions out of state.

New audio released by Created Equal revealed that although abortion facilities are seemingly abiding by Florida law, one is also partnering with abortion facilities outside of Florida. According to Created Equal, “There have been reports at Florida abortion centers that the volume of patients has not decreased … since the Heartbeat Law was put into effect on May 1st. This audio from Presidential Women’s Center in West Palm Beach confirms that abortion centers in Florida are not killing babies after six weeks but are referring mothers to abortion facilities in border states and paying for transportation, housing, and other expenses so women can still kill their babies.”

In the audio, a woman called Presidential Women’s Center claiming to be 12 weeks pregnant, and asking if there was any way the facility could commit an abortion. “So, if you’re over six weeks in the pregnancy, unless there is, like… unless the pregnancy is passed or there is something unhealthy with the pregnancy, you cannot have an abortion anywhere in the state of Florida,” the staffer, named Ellen, said.


“But what we can do, is we have made a connection with a abortion provider outside of the state of Florida,” Ellen continued. “And so we have financial assistance and transportation and lodging and all of that, to get you there. So what we would do if you want to have an abortion is, you would come into our center. We would do ultrasound and labs here, so that we would know exactly how many weeks you are in the pregnancy, and have some basic lab values. And then we’ll take you to a private room, and we will sit down, and we will call this provider, and we will get you an appointment with them, and then help you to navigate through transportation and lodging. So, we can help you. Just because you can’t have an abortion here at Presidential Women’s Center doesn’t mean we’re abandoning you. We will still help you to make that connection. And we can also see you back here for your check-up appointment.”

It sounds compassionate that the facility won’t ‘abandon’ her, but the facility may still be making money off of the women they send out of state and doesn’t appear to refer this woman to any helpful resources in Florida to keep her baby.

The move by abortion businesses to help women leave pro-life states for abortions is unsurprising. According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, in the first six months of 2023, nearly one in five women seeking abortion traveled out of state, compared with one in 10 in 2020. A Planned Parenthood in Missouri was caught on video in 2023 aiding a man who wanted to take an unrelated 13-year-old girl across the border for an abortion, despite the fact that she was not of age to consent to sex or abortion.

Though preborn children are protected from abortion in Florida for now, an abortion amendment will appear on the November ballot, potentially allowing abortions to be committed again. And as this video shows, until then, the abortion industry will be mobilizing to ensure abortions are still happening and the blood money keeps flowing.

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail this Christmas for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30 seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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