After the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking of fetal parts, the abortion provider attempted to regain credibility by smearing the journalists responsible for this shocking discovery. Targeting David Daleiden and fellow CMP reporter Sandra Merritt with a lawsuit and unfounded charges, Planned Parenthood unimpededly spread misinformation. But previously unseen testimony shows high-ranking officials admitting under oath that various affiliates sold aborted body parts.
Despite the fact that the media never fact checked Planned Parenthood or its claims about the supposedly “heavily edited” videos (proven authentic by forensic analyses), the newly publicized testimony only adds to the validity of CMP’s undercover investigations.
In a recent interview with Live Action News, Daleiden said, “[M]y job is… to make sure that people pay attention to this issue, and all of the very serious ethical and legal violations of human dignity that are inherent in it….”
Recently, after the previously unseen testimony of Planned Parenthood officials was released to the public, political consultant Kellyanne Conway directed reporters to the videos. These new videos appear to have come at an opportune time. Planned Parenthood is currently facing criticism for fraudulently filing for the small business loan program that was part of the coronavirus relief effort.

Screenshot: CMP
“This is a pattern on the part of Planned Parenthood,” Daleiden explained. “…They lie to the public, they lie to public officials, and they do so to cover up their egregious activities in their own organization. And they continue to receive massive taxpayer subsidies to keep it going. So they need to be held to account for that.”
Attempting to divert attention from the now irrefutable proof that its affiliates participated in the harvesting and trafficking of the body parts of aborted children, Planned Parenthood took to Twitter to play damage control. Within the tweet, they tried to discredit Daleiden by asserting that CMP is engaging in a “malicious smear campaign.” Offering no counter-evidence, the abortion giant accused Daleiden of launching “baseless claims” against the organization. But this claim rings hollow in the face of the facts.
“This has been their only response so far, and it’s not even much of a response if you look at it carefully,” Daleiden said. “They don’t deny anything their people are saying on these video tapes. They can’t this time… these are their own officials not just caught on undercover camera, but they are sworn in under oath giving their sworn testimony.”
Continuing, Daleiden said the abortion provider is “wrong on at least two counts.… I don’t have any malice in my heart,” he said. “I think if anything is malicious… when somebody can look at harvesting and selling the little heart… of a baby who has been freshly killed — if someone can look at trading that body part for money — if anything is malicious, I think that’s malicious: treating people like things.”
Daleiden has noticed a significant change in today’s abortion debate, as the pro-choice side has been forced to be on the defensive “in a way that they never have been before….” A large part of it, he believes, has to do with CMP’s findings. Daleiden said CMP’s videos have “changed the way we talk about and think about children in the womb in America.” Because of CMP’s investigation, “Planned Parenthood’s out of sight, out of mind mantra is forever gone.”

Planned Parenthood abortionist wears PPE to view aborted baby body parts in CMP Vid
“No one is going to be able to say anymore after watching those videos — and after those videos being so heavily publicized so much — that they didn’t know,” Daleiden said. “That they didn’t know how brutally Planned Parenthood was dismembering, sometimes even killing living infants through organ harvesting after they’re born alive.”
This intense shift in the abortion debate can be seen through the industry’s desperate efforts to secure abortion rights by fighting against common-sense regulations. The abortion-friendly media is doing their part to help, as well, with projects like the recently released FX documentary, “AKA Jane Roe,” which was released by filmmakers with close ties to the abortion industry. The film alleges that Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, was manipulated into becoming a figurehead for the pro-life movement. Daleiden doubts the truthfulness of this supposed “discovery.”
“I think what’s going on here is the pro-abortion movement knows their days are numbered, that the hold that Roe v. Wade has on abortion law in America has been slipping away and slipping away for quite some time now, and I think that they’re very afraid that they’re about to lose it all,” he said. “That’s why they’re trying to come out with this hot mess of a documentary at the eleventh hour to try to shift the narrative around that case.”
Propaganda has been a common tool in the pro-abortion movement’s arsenal. But Daleiden hopes his federal lawsuit against Kamala Harris, Planned Parenthood, and the National Abortion Federation will expose the “real activity” Planned Parenthood and its allies have been engaged in for the past five years, and will hold them accountable for such deception.

PPGC’s Melissa Farrell in a CMP video.
Much of the criminal case against Daleiden was tossed out by Judge Christopher Hite. To the courtroom’s amusement, the prosecutor admitted during the preliminary hearing that she didn’t know what the definition of confidentiality is under California’s recording law. This is another fact that Daleiden intends to draw attention to in his civil rights lawsuit.
Daleiden confirmed that most of the summer will be spent on court appeals. While these could last a while, Daleiden hopes that the duration will be short. Regardless, he told Live Action News, “I do intend for the rest of my life to be fighting to make sure that our brothers and sisters in the womb are protected from the violence of abortion… I’m sure the good fight will continue for longer than another 26 years, but I think there’s going to be a lot more victories in those 26 years, and I don’t know if Planned Parenthood is going to see the other side of that.”
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