
Undercover video shows top Florida Dem endorsing abortion to birth because ‘it’s not a person’

The Daily Signal has released an undercover video showing the former chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party stating that abortion should be available “all the way to the end” of pregnancy because a preborn human being “is not a person.”

The undercover video was filmed at the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) and proves that there are politicians who support abortion up to birth, despite claims to the contrary.

“Nowhere in America is a woman carrying a pregnancy to term and asking for an abortion — that is not happening,” presidential candidate VP Kamala Harris claimed during her debate with former president Donald Trump last week.

Yet, Democrat delegate Terrie Rizzo, chairwoman of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party and former leader of the state party, told an undercover reporter that she supports abortion up to 40 weeks. Questioned by the reporter if she thinks abortion should be legal “as late-term as possible,” Rizzo replied, “Oh, yeah.”

Though Rizzo said there “would be conditions on it,” she wants abortion legal “all the way to the end… because it’s not a person yet.”

If no one is seeking abortion up to birth, then why would some endorse the idea of allowing it to birth? And why is it currently legal without any restrictions whatsoever in nine states plus Washington, D.C.?


However, a preborn child is fully human from the moment of fertilization, and therefore, a person who deserves to be protected by law. There is no distinction between the biological humanity of a child and her legal personhood.

In a 2023 letter to Congress, Live Action and other pro-life groups explained, “All human beings are persons. There are no classes of sub-personal human beings. The very idea of a human being who is relegated to the status of a non-person is a moral atrocity. From the earliest embryonic stage to the very end of life, each and every human being is a person and a bearer of fundamental dignity and an unalienable right to life.”



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