Guest Column

United Nations committee issues guidelines that may block pro-life groups

United Nations, euthanasia, iceland, UN

(C-Fam, New York City) The NGO Committee of the UN Commission on the Status of Women has issued participation guidelines which will have the effect of blocking pro-life and pro-family groups from an upcoming UN conference.

Executives of pro-life and pro-family groups believe the guidelines were created precisely to keep them out of the upcoming Commission on the Status of Women.

Called “Virtual Safety Guidelines and Principles,” the NGO Committee claims they are to ensure “everyone has a fulfilling experience during the NGO CSW Virtual Forum.” Their goal is to “make this platform as inclusive and productive as possible…”

Some guidelines are not controversial, such as “build a culture of excellence, compassion, integrity, and honesty.” Also, “allow everyone to participate. Don’t dominate the conversation and honor time limits” and “show empathy toward other participants.”

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But then there are requirements to acknowledge “sexism, racism, classism, heterosexism, transphobia, global North domination and other institutional forms of oppression exist.” Some of these are largely the ideologically loaded words and phrases of the sexual left.

And then there is the ban on “deliberate intimidation”, an admonition that seems only to work one way. Last year at a CSW preparatory event sponsored by UN Women, the governments of Denmark and Costa Rica and NGO CSW, C-Fam’s Executive Vice President came under attack by a global abortion group. A representative from the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) called for the expelling of all “anti-rights infiltrators” from the United Nations.

Continue reading the entire article at C-Fam.

Editor’s Note: Austin Ruse writes for C-Fam. This article first appeared in the Friday Fax, an internet report published weekly by C-Fam (Center for Family & Human Rights), a New York and Washington DC-based research institute ( This article appears with permission.

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