
University of Minnesota yanks abortion trainer job from website… but it may not be over


UPDATE 5-10-18: Live Action News has been informed by sources at Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life that this training program has not been discontinued but put “on hold” for one year to re-evaluate “the value of this training,” according to a letter MCCL says was “sent to pro-life Lieutenant Governor and Senate President Michelle Fischbach from Medical School Dean Jakub Tolar.” The letter states, “I do not intend to fill this position for at least one year.” MCCL urges concerned citizens to contact University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler at or 612-626-1616 to voice opposition to any future hiring of an abortionist trainer at the U of M.

Live Action News recently reported that the University of Minnesota, a public research university, had posted a job opening for board-certified applicants to fill a role of “abortionist-trainer-in-training” at the university, which would have focused primarily on learning to commit abortion at Planned Parenthood, and then to train others. As reported this past week:

“This doctor will be used as a trainer for others, and will require the doctor to “spend[] at least 20 days at a high volume abortion site, getting training and becoming a trainer.” Where? “… [A]t Planned Parenthood MN, SD in St. Paul, MN,” of course.

This abortionist/trainer was to use ANSIRH’s abortion training manual. But ANSIRH, as noted before, “is an organization which has an interest in keeping abortion legal, and which has put forth unreliable studies before, painting abortion in a positive light.” The trainer would not only provide abortions, but train others to commit them, as well as learn to provide counseling to women. But the training manual from ANSIRH is biased against any evidence that might portray abortion’s effects negatively, so any counseling offered was likely to be skewed in favor of abortion.

Now, according to Campus Reform, the university has changed its mind. The publication states that the news of this position “spark[ed] widespread student condemnation,” going on to say:

Notably, one section of the fact sheet that would have been utilized in counseling sessions is entirely dedicated to “safety of abortion,” and claims that “the mortality associated with childbirth is 14 times that of legal abortion.”

Soon after Campus Reform’s initial report, the school removed the job posting from their website while scrubbing the job advertisement from job search platforms such as Monster and Indeed.

“We have pulled the position from the web site and are no longer hiring for this role,” wrote Jakub Tolar, Dean of the UM Medical School, in a statement to Campus Reform on Monday. “We will examine the value of this training in the context of our mission along with the values of the community.”

Pro-life student leaders called the move ” a great pro-life victory” and an action that will “save many children’s lives as well as protect many women who will not suffer through the painful event of an abortion.”

It is questionable to many that abortion should even be considered medicine, as it does not treat or heal any disease, and deliberately, unnecessarily takes the life of a human being. As Matt Lamb of Students for Life of America told Campus Reform, “Being a doctor is supposed to be about helping patients make healthy choices and protecting the dignity of life—abortion advances neither of these goals.”

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