The University of Washington has begun distributing the abortion pill free of charge to students who have prescriptions.
According to The Daily, chemical abortion pills are available at the campus Husky Health Center (HHC) for students who are up to 10 weeks pregnant. Students beyond that gestation may be referred off-campus for an abortion.
Dr. Kathy Johnson, unit director of the HHC OB/GYN Clinic, explained to the student-run newspaper, “The first pill, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone and stops a pregnancy from growing. The second pill, misoprostol, causes uterine cramping to empty the uterus.”
Johnson’s statement glosses over the reality of what the abortion pill regimen really does. In “stopping a pregnancy from growing,” mifepristone deprives the developing preborn child of nutrients. And “emptying the uterus” is a euphemism to describe the horrific reality of a mother delivering her dead baby.
Though the effects of taking the abortion pill regimen are often downplayed and described as mere “uterine cramping,” countless women have recounted experiencing excruciating pain and an extensive amount of blood loss, with some hemorrhaging so significantly that they have had to seek emergency care; research carried out by the pro-abortion group Gynuity showed that six percent (6%) of women who took the abortion pill in their study required care at an ER or urgent care facility.
Further, many women have been traumatized after delivering their dead babies, which usually occurs while they are at home, alone. Live Action’s I Saw My Baby campaign shares many of these tragic stories.
READ: Woman who took abortion pill: I was ‘weeping and screaming’ because I saw my baby
Most college students live in on-campus dorms, and many are without any vehicle of their own. Giving a young woman in this situation the abortion pill means she will likely take it in her dorm room and then deliver her dead child in a shared bathroom. There is no telling what may happen to the student if she experiences serious side effects that require medical attention; without a car, an ambulance will need to be summoned, or she must depend upon a fellow student or RA who has a vehicle available.
In praising the new initiative, HHC executive director Joel Schwartzkopf explained that students won’t be required to receive an ultrasound or counseling before they receive an abortion pill prescription — commonly known as the “no-test protocol.” Though he promoted this as a positive, it only further emphasizes that the goal in distributing this pill isn’t to help students make an informed choice. Nor is the goal even to ensure the safety of women taking it.
“We are hyper-focused, laser-focused, on the college student community and that continuity of care, and knowing that if you have an unexpected pregnancy, it could seriously derail your ability to thrive and succeed in college,” Schwartzkopf said.
This unfortunate statement sums up the pro-abortion mindset that women can’t succeed in college if they give birth to a child. It diminishes the hard work of countless mothers who have successfully finished school while having children, and it turns that woman’s child into her enemy when she believes that killing her child is the only way she can thrive.
This isn’t providing true care or choices — it’s promoting abortion as the best possible option for women. Women and their children truly do deserve better.