The University of Minnesota (UMN) has admitted to using the parts of aborted babies in research after first denying it, according to reports by Alpha News. Using the Freedom of Information Act, Alpha News obtained purchase orders clearing showing that from 2008-2014 UMN had purchased fetal pancreas, lung, liver and thymus from Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), one of the fetal organ brokers featured in the undercover videos produced by The Center for Medical Progress (CMP). Capitol Lien in St. Paul is the registered agent for ABR in Minnesota.
UMN had been using parts from aborted babies prior to 2008 and as many as 10 university employees are currently doing so according to an October 22 letter from Minn. Rep. Marion O’Neill to the UMN Board of Regents following a meeting she had with Dr. Brian Herman, University Vice President for Research. Rep. O’Neill is the Vice Chair of the House Higher Education Policy and Finance Committee.
Both UMN and ABR appear to be in violation of Minnesota’s fetal disposal law which states that “Hospitals, clinics, and medical facilities in which abortions are induced or occur spontaneously or accidentally and laboratories to which the remains of human fetuses are delivered must provide for the disposal of the remains by cremation, interment by burial, or in a manner directed by the commissioner of health.” (This law was passed in 1987 after pro-life volunteer Keith Rischer, wondering what happened to the bodies of the babies killed at the Robbinsdale abortion center, looked in an unlocked dumpster behind the abortion mill and found 13 aborted babies, along with patient billing records. He immediately contacted Pro-Life Action Ministries and we conducted a solemn press conference, funeral and burial. The incident garnered much local media attention, although the mainstream press failed to show the images of the actual bodies that their photographers and videographers had taken.)
The Minnesota law applies to the remains of a fetus “that has reached a stage of development so that there are cartilaginous structures, fetal or skeletal parts after an abortion or miscarriage.” Therefore, very early abortions are not included in the requirement. But the University’s purchase order records, which Alpha News posted, show 13- to 24-week fetal organs being purchased.
According to Alpha News, Dr. Herman told Rep. O’Neill that the university had procured fetal parts directly from Meadowbrook Women’s Clinic in Minneapolis. That abortion mill was purchased by the Whole Woman’s chain in 2012. This is now Minnesota’s second largest abortion mill, committing abortions up to 24 weeks. The clinic’s surgical abortion consent form states, “I understand that the fetal tissue removed during the abortion will be disposed of, following legal and health guidelines.”
There are other connections between UMN and Whole Woman’s. Carrie Terrell, MD, was an abortionist and the medical director at the Midwest abortion center before it merged with Meadowbrook to become Whole Woman’s Health of the Twin Cities a few years ago. She continues to kill unborn children at Whole Woman’s. According to a UMN website, she also “sees patients, conducts research, operates, teaches and runs the General OB/GYN division at the University of Minnesota.” Also, UMN medical students are offered an elective rotation for abortion training at Whole Woman’s.
Sixty-five Minnesota legislators sent a letter to Governor Mark Dayton in July, asking for an investigation into whether the University of Minnesota was using aborted babies for research. They also called on the Governor to investigate Planned Parenthood. So far, the Governor has refused to look into the matter.

On October 21, Students for Human Life at the University of Minnesota (UMN), in conjunction with Pro-Life Action Ministries and the Minnesota Family Council, led a protest of the use of aborted baby parts for research at UMN. They are asking for an investigation and clarification of policy from UMN President Eric Kaler. State Rep. (and UMN alum) Abigail Whelan (third from right) and student leaders Abby Marino and Luke Troxel (behind Rep. Whelan) spoke at the demonstration.
On October 21, Students for Human Life at the University of Minnesota (UMN), in conjunction with Pro-Life Action Ministries and the Minnesota Family Council, led a protest of the use of aborted baby parts for research at UMN. They are asking for an investigation and clarification of policy from UMN President Eric Kaler. State Rep. (and UMN alum) Abigail Whelan (third from right) and student leaders Abby Marino and Luke Troxel (behind Rep. Whelan) spoke at the demonstration.