
‘Unplanned’ actress fires back at movie industry for threatening Georgia

unplanned abortion movie

Ashley Bratcher, star of the new pro-life film “Unplanned,” responded to actress Alyssa Milano’s attempt to threaten Georgia Governor Brian Kemp into not signing the state’s pro-life heartbeat bill. Multiple other actors and actresses joined in on Milano’s threats to the state. A resident of Georgia, Bratcher said she is proud of her home state, and their pro-life bill.

Milano stated that Georgia has great “success in film” because the “state’s leaders go out of their way with huge tax incentives that attract these projects,” and that Georgia should continue to “foster a pro-film environment.”

READ: Twitter inexplicably suspends Unplanned movie account on opening weekend

“Well Alyssa,” wrote Bratcher in an open letter on Deadline, “let me make something very clear to you. In Georgia, we care just as much about being pro-life as being pro-film. We don’t believe in putting a price tag on the value of a human life.”


Bratcher went on to say that the “brave leaders” of Georgia have had enough, and they are no longer going to stand by as innocent lives are killed daily in the name of so-called women’s rights.

“If you fault Georgia for choosing to be morally correct over politically correct, then that says more of your personal agenda than the goal of our governor to protect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all,” she wrote.

The heartbeat bill, which passed in Georgia’s House and Senate, is awaiting the governor’s signature, and will ban abortion in the state after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, at about six weeks gestation. While Milano claims that women, mainly actresses filming in the state, will lose their jobs if they cannot get an abortion, that fear tactic exposes a dark side of Hollywood — coercing women to abort their children or risk being fired.

“Women do not seek abortions because they feel strong or empowered, they seek them because they are scared,” Bratcher said. “They seek abortions because society and the new-age feminist movement perpetuates the lie that women cannot be successful and be mothers. Those of us on the other side of the fence are here with open arms saying, ‘Yes, you can!'”

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