
WATCH: Unsealed testimony exposes how Planned Parenthood deceived Congress

Planned Parenthood, abortion, Center for Medical Progress

The latest video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) unveiled sworn testimony from Planned Parenthood staff, which directly contradicts previous claims made by the abortion giant before Congress.

Planned Parenthood told the Senate Judiciary Committee and House Select Investigative Panel that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Texas never had a fetal tissue program, and instead, only harvested placental tissue for researchers at University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). Yet under oath, Melissa Farrell, Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s Vice President for Research (the same employee caught on tape by CMP investigators years ago discussing how making fetal tissue sales look legitimate would be just “a matter of line items”), said the entire bodies of aborted children were harvested for research — not merely placental tissue.

When first asked what her affiliate was supplying to researchers for a different study, Farrell merely replied, “fetal tissue.” It was only when pressed to elaborate that she became more forthcoming.


The interviewer asked her what specific parts of the fetus were collected and donated. “They collected the products of conception in its entirety in a specimen container,” she said.

Products of conception” is a euphemistic phrase used by the abortion industry to describe preborn children. When asked about more recent sales to UTMB, Farrell explained researchers wanted everything — the preborn child’s body, the umbilical cord, the placenta, and the amniotic sac. “The products of conception were what was needed in order to isolate, to be able to focus on the placenta for the analysis,” she said, and confirmed everything was collected, adding, “That is my understanding, yes.”

Planned Parenthood lied to Congress, the media, and the general public about the harvesting of the bodies of aborted children.

Other testimony shown in CMP’s video featured Dr. Katharine Sheehan, Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest (PPPSW), located in southern California. Sheehan said PPPSW’s relationship with fetal tissue procurement agency Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR)] is ongoing, and confirmed her affiliate has supplied fetal tissue to researchers and research institutions. Published experimental studies from research institutions such as the University of California San Diego thanked PPPSW for supplying them with the body parts for their research.

READ: BOMBSHELL: Planned Parenthood officials admit under oath to selling aborted body parts

Mary Gatter, the former Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles (PPLA), was also shown in the video, answering questions about relationships with fetal tissue procurement agencies besides Novogenix Laboratories, which has since been shut down. In her testimony, Gatter answered a question about researchers buying fetal tissue beyond Novogenix, then amended her remarks. “Can I just–let me, I’d like to amend that to say there is a difference between tissue collection for a big organization, that they collect the tissue – a tissue procurement organization – and a specific research project,” she said. “Now, we may in fact have been involved in specific research projects, but that’s a whole different category from fetal tissue donation.”

She then acknowledged that she was responsible for arranging research projects at PPLA, and for getting approval from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Research Department.

David Daleiden, CMP founder and project lead, stated in a press release that Planned Parenthood should be held accountable for their dishonesty. “When the undercover videos were first released, Planned Parenthood delivered a carefully-constructed script to the public and to the press minimizing their involvement in fetal experimentation – but under oath, their story changes.” He added, “Now we know that Planned Parenthood flagrantly lied to the United States Congress about the extent of its abortion clinics’ criminal trafficking in fetal body parts for experimentation. How long will public officials continue to allow them to get away with it?”

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