Imagine that there are three little children: two girls and a boy. They are all unborn, unplanned, and for all purposes, unwanted.
Girl #1 will be the oldest; her mom will have her at only 14 years old. She will grow up neglected, and see things that no little child should see. She will be placed in foster care around the age of 5.
Her little brother will be born two years later, when her mom is 16. He too will be neglected, but he will also be physically abused by some of Mom’s boyfriends. He will grow up with special needs. He is 3 when they are placed in foster care.
Last comes the baby of the family, Girl #2, who is born when her mom is 19. She will not spend much time with her mom, but what little time she does spend will be marked by neglect. She will be placed in foster care before she is even a year old.
All of this sounds pretty horrible – a lot of suffering, a lot of neglect, and little love. Would it be better for these three little children to never have been born? After all, then they would never suffer from neglect, never be hungry, never be hurt, never have to cry themselves to sleep. Many abortion advocates will talk about how it would be better to abort than to bring unwanted children into this world, and would consider the fate of these three children to prove their point…
But this is only half of their story.
They are adopted, all of them at the same time, by two amazing parents. Their parents love and adore them. They do more than just feed and clothe them; they teach them right from wrong, they kiss boo-boos, they take them to Disney World, take them hunting and fishing, teach them to ride a bike, help them with algebra homework, cry as they watch them walk across the state at graduation. They are a family, a close and loving family. And these three little children grow up to be adults.
Girl #1, Stephanie, is a strong, independent military wife, who loves photography and plans to start a family of her own soon.
The boy, Kenneth, loves to read and play video games. He lives on his own and has a steady job.
Girl #2, Deanna, is in law school and just celebrated her fourth wedding anniversary. Girl #2 is me.
This is my family. This is my story. A story that shows that even unplanned children born looking like they have no future still deserve a chance at life. That even “unwanted” children can be wanted and loved very much. The next time you hear an abortion advocate say “Every Child A Wanted Child,” think of me and my family, and know that there is no such thing as a truly unwanted child.