On Friday, I reported on how the Kansas Health Department is investigating the state’s 3 remaining abortion clinics according to strict new standards it is implementing, which may lead to the closing of some or all of the clinics. The Associated Press had an update on the situation today, and it’s looking like the two independent (though NAF affiliated) clinics may be closed while the infamous Planned Parenthood clinic in Overland Park remains open for now. Here’s a little gem from Dr. Herbert Hodes, the abortionist at the independent Women’s Health Center in Overland Park:
Providers and abortion rights advocates equate first-trimester abortions — the vast majority of those performed in Kansas — with other, minor office-based procedures. Dr. Herbert Hodes, who performs abortions at the Women’s Health Center, said the most common procedure there can be done in 2 minutes or less.
“It’s certainly less complicated than pulling all four wisdom teeth,” he said.
I’ve read NAF’s abortion manuals, and even a common first-trimester surgical abortion involves very complicated maneuvers of the suction cannula in order to tear apart the baby without tearing apart the mother’s insides…too much. Even Planned Parenthood says, “An aspiration procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes.” Any abortion doctor who says he can do an abortion in less than 2 minutes and it’s “less complicated than pulling teeth” (I wonder, is Quack Dr. Hodes a dentist?) is one of the best arguments for shutting down his practice.