It’s pretty common for sisters to share a closet or clothes — but what about the day they give birth? Utah sisters Marissa Deering and Mallory Averett happened to discover their pregnancies at the same time and then gave birth within hours of each other. They feel that sharing one more thing together as sisters has brought them closer together.
“We both had the same symptoms, the same cravings, [and] we both ended up with gestational diabetes. Like, yeah, they were identical pregnancies,” explained Averett.
Deering remembered that she would send snapchats to her sister about her cravings and Averett would respond, “Shut up, that’s what I’m craving!”
Their estimated due dates were a few days apart, but the babies were ready to make their appearance together. Baby Angelo Deering was born at 12:08 am on February 8, and baby Maisyn Averett was born just before midnight, nearly 12 hours later that same day — and both babies were the same birth weight.
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The hospitals were a few hours apart, with the Deerings in West Jordon, Utah, and the Averetts in Price, Utah. Grandmother Carol Deering quickly drove in between hospitals, hoping she’d make it to both births.
“I was getting a little nervous that I wasn’t going make it to either one of them… [W]e are truly blessed to have both of them here and both healthy, and both 6lbs 7oz.”
During pregnancy, the sisters joked that one of them might give birth to twins since their mother is a twin, but neither was very excited at the idea of giving birth to twins. Instead, they hoped that their babies would be born close together in place of twins.
“So we both were like, ‘Oh my gosh, what if we’re gonna have twins? And [Deering’s] like, ‘Well, we’ll just have them on the same day and that will count as twins,’” laughed Averett.
Growing up, the sisters were, in their words, “very, very, opposite,” and fought “all the time.” But Deering feels that the perfectly timed pregnancies have brought her closer to her sister and “just made me realize how amazing a person she is.”
The families have much to look forward to as they treasure double the cuteness and double the love.