This summer, VICE News joined Texas Right to Life at the group’s pro-life boot camp for college students. The week-long camp helps to arm pro-life students with effective ways to combat pro-abortion arguments. The camp uses Live Action’s Abortion Procedures videos to help these students understand what happens during an abortion. VICE reporter Alzo Slade took a moment to show a small portion of one of those videos in a clear attempt to discredit it.
Hey @VICE, you claim our video “exaggerates how certain procedures look”
They were created in conjunction with medical professionals & a former abortionist who committed 1,200 abortions with his own hands.
Explain to us, what happens during an abortion?
— Live Action (@LiveAction) August 14, 2019
“This video isn’t completely accurate,” claimed Slade during the D&E procedure video clip. “It exaggerates a bit, like the risk of abortion or how certain procedures look, but it’s effective because it’s graphic and disturbing.” The full video, featuring former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, is below:
Slade’s right about one thing: abortion is graphic and disturbing because it’s the killing of an innocent human being. There’s no way around it. The video on D&E (dismemberment) abortion is not an exaggeration and is actually toned down from reality, given that it’s an animation. In fact, the video shows dismemberment abortion as abortionists describe it.
Dr. Levatino himself, who narrates the D&E video, aborted about 1,200 babies before becoming pro-life. His experiences helped create the video. He has even testified to these details in front of a House Judiciary Committee. And he’s not the only abortionist or former abortion worker to describe the procedure just as the video portrays it.
WARNING: Images of abortion victims below.
Abortionist Warren Hern is known for proudly committing late-term abortions, yet he admits that it is gory and unnatural.
“… There is no possibility of denying [abortion is] an act of destruction,” he has said. “It is before one’s eyes. The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current.”
Warren described an abortion on a 17-week-old preborn baby, saying, “I inserted my forceps into the uterus and applied them to the head of the fetus, which was still alive, since fetal injection is not done at that stage of pregnancy. I closed the forceps, crushing the skull of the fetus, and withdrew the forceps.”
Dr. LeRoy Carhart, a notorious late-term abortionist who has injured and even killed women during late-term abortions, described a D&E abortion: “[W]hen you pull out a piece of the fetus, let’s say, an arm or a leg and remove that, at the time just prior to removal of the portion of the fetus, … the fetus [is] alive.”
In addition, Brenda Pratt-Shafer, a nurse who worked in an abortion facility, also witnessed a D&E abortion:
Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabbed one of the fetal legs with his forceps. He clamped down hard and with a twisting and tearing motion, ripped the leg from the little body. He brought it out and threw it in the pan beside me. I stood in horror, as I looked at that little leg in the pan with perfectly formed toes! I had never seen such a small human body part.
The next time he went in, he tore off an arm with hands and little fingers! I could see the fetus on the ultrasound screen trying to get away from the forceps! Then I no longer saw the heartbeat on the ultrasound screen….
He continued to do this until he had all the extremities out and placed in the pan. He then snapped the fetal spine with the forceps…. I could see the jaws of the forceps open and close on the ultrasound screen as the abortionist tried to catch the bobbing head…. After crushing the head with the forceps, he then pulled it out and threw it in the pan with the rest of the baby parts.
Abortionist Dennis Christensen, featured in the documentary “Lake of Fire,” shows a 20-week old aborted baby to the camera while describing his actions. “Basically, piecing the fetal tissue back together. Make sure that we have all of the fragments,” he says. He had just dismembered this preborn child so that her mother could attend college. In reality, a child doesn’t have to die for her mother to earn her degree.
READ: Live Action’s Abortion Procedures video used in legislative testimony on fetal pain bill

Screenshot of the leg of a dismembered 20-week old preborn child killed by a D&E abortion in the documentary Lake of Fire.
Committing and assisting with D&E abortions is gorier and more disturbing than Live Action’s animated video, to the point that abortion workers have suffered psychological damage from committing or witnessing them.
“[…] Teeny tiny hands and feet and arms and legs and a rib cage and a spine and a hollow, flattened, misshapen, torn head…. I saw it all… Up to 30 times a day, four days a week,” recalled former abortion worker Jewels Green. “I started having nightmares, haunted by tiny, limbless phantom babies. I was floating down a narrow stream with miniature body parts strewn on either shore – and then I’d begin to sink. I’d flail and gasp and go under.”
Abortion worker Sally Tisdale also experienced nightmares. “I have fetus dreams; we all do here: dreams of abortions one after the other; of buckets of blood splashed on the walls; trees full of crawling fetuses,” she explained while still working in the abortion industry. “I dreamed that two men grabbed me and began to drag me away. ‘Let’s do an abortion,’ they said with a sickening leer, and I began to scream, plunged into a vision of sucking, scraping pain, of being spread and torn by impartial instruments that do only what they are bidden.”

A hand, arm, and ribcage of a preborn baby.
If VICE thinks the Live Action D&E animated video is gory and disturbing, how much more so is the actual abortion? Is VICE in denial that this is how the abortion industry operates and how they actually choose to kill living, innocent human beings?
During D&E abortions, abortionists rip the arms and legs off the torsos of living preborn human beings who are capable of feeling pain. The fact that it makes VICE uncomfortable doesn’t make it inaccurate.
As for abortion risks, Live Action’s Abortion Procedures videos do not exaggerate those, either. In fact, the risks are easy enough to discover with a visit to websites including Mott’s Children’s Hospital and Planned Parenthood. The problem is that Planned Parenthood and other abortion organizations downplay these risks — risks like pieces of the baby left inside the womb, perforation of the uterus and other organs, infection, blood clots, and hemorrhaging. Some may leave a woman unable to bear future children, and some may be life-threatening.

Face of a preborn child with feet, hand, rib cage, blood and placenta. Aborted at 21 weeks using the D&E abortion procedure. Photo courtesy of and
Countless women have even been severely injured or killed during botched abortions, but the public is largely unaware because many states don’t require the reporting of those injuries. When a woman is injured badly enough, an ambulance brings her to the local hospital, as the abortion facility is usually ill-equipped to deal with such health emergencies. The abortion industry claims these risks are rare, but the truth is if they aren’t reported, the industry can act like they never happened. Even 911 calls to abortion facilities have been covered up. Illinois just passed a law disallowing the public from accessing any 911 call recordings from abortion facilities.
So yes, VICE, the D&E abortion video created by Live Action is entirely accurate — gory, disturbing details and all.
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