Jill Stanek highlighted a disturbing video yesterday, taken during San Francisco’s Walk for Life. In the video, Russell Hunter of Abolish Human Abortion was approached by a woman who had an abortion, who proclaims that she’s a millionaire because she had an abortion at eighteen.
Hunter pointed out that killing a child for money is called human sacrifice; the woman does not deny this, but she says that she was in an abusive relationship and was able to get a bachelor’s and masters degree.
And this is what modern, pro-abortion feminism stands for.
As Serrin Foster, president of Feminists for Life, pointed out, women deserve better. Crisis pregnancy centers are a prime example of resources to help women with unwanted pregnancies.
But the most telling – and disturbing – part of this video is the all-too-common refrain from pro-abortion feminists that abortion must be legal because a woman can’t be successful if she has a baby. Rather than empowering women, pro-abortion feminism tears them down. It tells women that they aren’t strong enough to get a college degree and be a mother. It tells women that they can’t be successful and a be mother. It tells women that having a baby will ruin their lives. We, as women, are not strong enough to take on hardships and challenges and overcome them. You would think that more women would fight back against that.
These should not be the only two choices offered to women: success and abortion, or a child and poverty. But women are forced into these corners by pro-abortion feminism, which claims to be fighting for women and empowering them. How is this empowerment? How does this do anything except set women back?
This video makes one thing perfectly clear. Pro-life feminism seeks to empower women, while pro-abortion feminism seeks to knock them down.