A new video released this week by Pro-Life San Francisco exposes the deep-rooted connections between the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the abortion industry, including a network for abortion training programs that produce some of the nation’s most dedicated and unapologetic abortionists.
“UCSF: An American Horror Story” shines a light on the relationship between the publicly-funded university and abortionists across the country, including their training and their inhumane methods of collecting aborted babies for research purposes.
Late-term abortion training
According to Pro-Life San Francisco, there are over 100 active abortion training programs in the United States operated and funded by UCSF. Combined, these programs have trained nearly 3,000 OB-GYNs who are currently active across the country.
Dr. Eleanor Drey is the medical director of the Women’s Options Center at San Francisco General Hospital, a training hospital run by the UCSF School of Medicine. She has been at the facility for 19 years and says she aims “to maintain and increase the number of abortions we provide, which has allowed us to increase the number of residents and students we train.” While Drey aims to increase the number of abortions committed each year and the number of doctors committing these abortions, the actual number of abortions has been steadily declining in the United States.
UCSF is politically active on abortion
Political activism regarding abortion is promoted both within the student population and among the school’s professors, who advocate for second-trimester abortions on living preborn children. The focus is to attempt to destigmatize abortion to the point that it is viewed by Americans as a normal, standard procedure like any other.
“What UCSF has done, more so than any other medical institution I can think of, has been to integrate abortion into mainstream medical care,” researcher Carole E. Joffe said of the program. “The message that this medical school gives the rest of medicine is that abortion is a normal part of women’s reproductive health.”
UCSF is involved in fetal tissue experiments
UCSF takes part in research experiments using the bodies of children killed in elective abortions. In many cases, these babies are old enough to survive outside the womb. At least one study required the use of two bodies per month for up to to 12 years. The babies were required to be free of chromosomal abnormalities, could not have died in the womb naturally, with mothers who were free of infection. These children, therefore, died in “elective termination[s] for nonmedical reasons,” some as late as 24 weeks gestation. Babies born as young as 21 weeks have survived with medical assistance, which means viable, healthy babies were aborted and used for research.
Fetuses can not be humanely killed
Preborn children who are killed for research purposes are not injected with feticide such as digoxin first to cause cardiac arrest. The use of digoxin would compromise the body’s tissues and render it useless to researchers.
“Like I said, if you want no dig[oxin], your options right now are, like, UCSF and Planned Parenthood New York City, and that’s it,” said Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s former Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola in a secretly-filmed video from the Center for Medical Progress. “And the reason it’s Planned Parenthood New York City is because they all trained at UCSF. So, it’s like ‘the UCSF school.'” Nucatola noted that other than UCSF, Planned Parenthood New York City is the “largest site of 20 to 24 week cases that have not gotten feticide [digoxin].”
Because researchers do not want the bodies of preborn children killed by feticide, these babies are either killed through live dismemberment abortions—in which their limbs are violently torn from their torsos, purposely avoiding crushing any specific body parts or organs that the researchers are requesting—or abortionists run the risk of a child being accidentally born alive during abortion because no feticide was administered. Babies who survive abortions are often left to die or, as Pro-Life San Francisco notes, are killed after birth.
According to Pro-Life San Francisco, a medically induced late-term abortion without the use of digoxin can result in born-alive infants in up to half of cases. The Centers for Disease Control and the Congressional Research Service both verified this.
Call to action
Despite multiple attempts to obtain documents from UCSF, the university has either refused or ignored requests from Pro-Life San Francisco. In doing so, UCSF has failed to comply with the local Freedom of Information Act.
“This is a call to action,” said Pro-Life San Francisco founder and president Terrisa Bukovinac. “Pro-Life San Francisco is calling on every member of the public to join our campaign against UCSF. We’re demanding safeguards. We’re demanding transparency. And we’re demanding humane standards. No one should be sacrificed for the health of others. We will not allow a system to continue that depends on the destruction of the marginalized. Science and ethics must go hand in hand and our desire for scientific knowledge should never eclipse conscience.”
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