A former abortionist is unmasking the lies and secrecy surrounding the abortion industry in a new educational video project that has gone viral on social media.
This doctor has performed over 1,200 abortions. Now, he’s revealing what actually happens during a second trimester abortion procedure. This video may just change the abortion debate.
Posted by Live Action on Wednesday, February 24, 2016
In a 4-minute video, Dr. Anthony Levatino reveals the violence of abortion procedures and the risks they pose to women.
Levatino, who performed over 1,200 abortions in the early part of his career as a OB/GYN, describes a second trimester dilation and evacuation abortion procedure, or D&E.
The video, released as part of Live Action’s new educational website, AbortionProcedures.com, garnered over 3 million views within 24 hours on Facebook, and has over 120,000 shares and over 44,000 likes (at the time of the article’s publication). The D&E video is one of four depicting the violence against preborn children committed through the most prevalent abortion procedures in America.
Viewers reacted strongly to the message, and some who identified as “pro-choice” had a change of heart.
Many viewers questioned their stance on abortion after seeing the brutality of the second trimester procedure.
A D&E abortion is performed in the second trimester, between 13 to 24 weeks. During a D&E abortion, the abortionist uses a sopher clamp to dismember the preborn child limb from torso. The abortionist then collects the body parts of the aborted baby and reassembles the limbs, head, organs, and other pieces to ensure none are left unaccounted for.
Live Action President Lila Rose called the videos a “game-changer,” and said it is imperative that the reality of abortion procedures be exposed.
“From our nine years of undercover investigations, Live Action has discovered that abortionists frequently lie to women about how developed their babies are, the brutality abortion inflicts on preborn children, and the risks abortion procedures pose to women’s health and safety,” said Rose. “No one knows more about these lies – or how to unmask them – than an abortionist.”
Levatino, who is now pro-life, changed his mind about abortion after losing his adopted daughter in a car accident. After the tragedy, Levatino says he could no longer commit abortions after seeing the humanity of a victim dismembered by a D&E abortion procedure.
AbortionProcedures.com also features three additional procedure videos that are accompanied by animations and medical facts, including medical abortion, first trimester aspiration abortion, and the late-term induction procedure.