While abortion advocates do everything they can to isolate and shame pro-lifers into thinking they are alone, nothing could be further from the truth. The pro-life movement is global, gaining traction, and showing no signs of slowing down, even on social media. A resurgence of pro-life messaging has been appearing on the video-sharing app TikTok. Here are some of the highlights from 2021:
This account shares the reality of abortion regret when women realize they did not just remove a “clump of cells,” but actually killed their child (click image below to watch):
One user said she was reported at her nursing school for being pro-life. “Lord forbid a nurse that wants people to LIVE,” she said in the comments (click image below to watch):
Questions you get as a pro-lifer are bizarre, as this user notes (click image below to watch):
Ever hear that abortion is necessary to prevent poverty? That myth is nothing short of bigotry toward those who suffer from being impoverished (click image below to watch):
Abortion is the intentional killing of an innocent human being, as this user notes with song lyrics from the rapper Dillon (click image below to watch):
Pro-abortion advocates tell men they cannot comment on abortion, but this user shows it is pro-choice men who have reason to be selfish, not pro-life men (click image below to watch):
In this clip below, we see shrill abortion advocates attempting to steal flyers from pro-life students who are sharing the message that all children deserve a chance to live (click image below to watch):
A man shares how his fifth grade teacher only presented the pro-abortion argument to his class without giving any credence to the pro-life message (click image below to watch):
One woman tries to explain how a preborn child is “her body,” but a pro-life response leaves her, and the crowd, stunned (click image below to watch):
A pro-abortion mob shouts, “shame” at women standing up for the preborn, but these pro-lifers proudly claim, “I feel no shame!” (Click image below to watch):
It’s not just these incredible pro-lifers on TikTok. You can also follow Live Action on the app where you can see all kinds of amazing content, spreading the message that preborn children are worthy of human dignity and life.
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